The Importance Of Rich Snippet As A Ranking Factor For Google SERP

The Importance Of Rich Snippet As A Ranking Factor For Google SERP

Similar to canonical tag, rich snippet (or markup) is not required, but they assist search engines, users, and, yes, even site owners. The main distinction is that, unlike with the canonical tag, both parties can see the advantages:

  • Consumers may judge the relevancy of certain results more readily, frequently on the SERP.
  • Site operators may profit from higher click-throughs and lower bounce rates. Since users better know the site contents and relevance to their query before they ever reach the site.

What Are Rich Snippets and How Do They Work?

Rich Snippet is a concept that refers to structured data markup that site owners may add to their current HTML. This helps search engines better grasp what information is on each web page. On the other hand, the main search engines have gone a step further. Now they use this markup to provide richer search results. Making it simpler for users to get the information they need.

Normally, when your website appears on a SERP, search engines display the site title, URL, and metadata assigned to the page. When using Rich Snippets, Google may now include more information about the actual result. This includes a review, a person, a product, a company, and so on.

Consider how a search result for an item on iTunes or Google Play displays a star rating? The number of votes that resulted in that rating, the price, and the platforms supported.

The Type Of Content That Search Engines Support

The main search engines presently recognize three distinct markup specifications:

  • Microdata
  • Microformats
  • RDFa

Microdata, especially the schema, is the most common annotation support. Open Graph tags and Twitter Cards are both forms of structured data markup. One should use them in addition to Rich Snippets rather than in instead of them.

You can apply Rich Snippets, also known as structured data markup, to the following forms of content:

Reviews – both individual and aggregate reviews are supported, each with its own set of attributes.

People – You may have noticed that Google and Bing now display richer information from LinkedIn when you search for specific (well-known) people. Any website that includes profiles of personnel, team members, and other persons related to the company might achieve similar benefits. Name, title, role, professional affiliations, and contact information supported attributes.

Items – one of the most common applications of structured data markup is merchants’ products and special offers, particularly online businesses. Name, image, brand, description, identifiers (ISBN, SKU, etc.), and even reviews are all possible properties. These may extend with price, currency, seller, condition, and quantity. Online marketplaces use low and high pricing modules that sell the same goods from several merchants. This illustrates the price range for a particular item.

Businesses and Organizations 

business name, address (physical and URL), phone number, geolocation (latitude and longitude), and logo are the attributes provided.

Recipes – structured data markup for recipes includes a wide range of properties, allowing operators of cooking and recipe-related websites to include everything from the type of dish, reviews, and preparation and cooking time to nutritional information like serving size, calories, fat content, and more.

Events – the use of structured data markup with events is only for events that will occur in the future, not for events that have already occurred. It’s worth noting that the property summary is for the event’s formal name, not for a synopsis of the event. The other attributes are start and finish dates, length, ticket information, and geolocation.

Music — While Bing makes no mention of music support, Google does allow for structured data markup for songs and albums. This can include links to music previews and direct links to purchase single tracks or entire albums.

Video Content – this refers to video content that is embedded on your website and may be used to identify the duration, license, production firm, and/or author of the video, as well as whether the content is suitable for children.

Rich Snippets: How to Include Them in Your Content

Marking up more content helps search engines to display better results. Still, we suggest not including structured data in every content attribute. It’s also worth noting that only visible content should be marked up; hidden page components and content in hidden divs aren’t required.

Three basic elements are used in structured data markup:

  •  – defines that the HTML in the div> block is about a certain item,
  • itemtype – provides the type of item, and
  • itemprop – specifies the specific attribute, such as name, URL, review, and so on.

The accessible properties differ depending on the type of content. The sheer quantity of attributes might be overwhelming to anybody considering using structured data markup. Thankfully, there are various plugins available for anyone running a WordPress-based site. Sites like All-in-One make things a little simpler. You can also find plugins for the most popular e-commerce platforms. Still, if you’re using a custom CMS or e-commerce platform, you’ll need to work with your web developer. They will help to build up a simple way to start utilizing structured data markup.

After Adding Rich Snippets, What Should You Expect?

Utilizing structured data markup doesn’t mean that major search engines will automatically display Rich Snippets for your content. Before displaying richer results, Google, in particular, will evaluate and grade your markup. A pattern has emerged in how Google responds to the introduction of structured data markup across many implementations:

  • Google does not begin examining new markups until 10 to 14 days after being first used on a webpage.
  • If everything looks in order, Google will begin to display Rich Snippets for certain (but not all) pages. But they will vanish after around 5 days.
  • After a few days, certain Rich Snippets will resurface. Either for the same set of pages or for a different set of pages. You can do this a few times more.
  • If Google’s repeated examination and evaluation did not uncover any problems, you would be rewarded with (semi-permanent) Rich Snippets throughout your site after around 8 weeks.

Schema Implementation

This loop frequently perplexes site operators, who then resort to “tweaking” their implementation, causing extra delays. We recommend that you implement the markup. Wait two months for the full results to appear before making any changes to how you applied them.

The main search engines embraced Rich Snippets more than two years ago. They continually tweak how to implement them to achieve the best final result. This implies that you will not use rich snippets to display all of your results. And what does and doesn’t appear will change over time. This is most apparent right now with the way Google shows Authorship. It was first launched in 2013 but has since undergone multiple adjustments.

Of course, suppose you consistently take an ethical approach to your website and SEO. In that case, you probably have very little to worry about. Knowing that short-term successes seldom lead to long-term advantages in SEO.