5xx Status Code: What Are The Effects And How To Solve Them?

5xx Status Code: What Are The Effects And How To Solve Them?


    HTTP status codes allow a website’s server and web browser to communicate. Moreover, status codes are frequently only seen when there is a problem. HTTP 5xx status codes, sometimes known as error messages, show when an internet browser cannot access a requested page. 5xx status codes are divided into categories, each of which signals a particular mistake or problem.

    What Exactly Is A 5xx Server Error?

    An HTTP 5xx error indicates that the server caused the issue. When you want to view a website, your browser requests the server of the destination website. If there is a problem with the server, a server error 5xx Google is generated. If the server detects a problem or cannot perform a request, 5xx server errors are generated.
    The error should explain the error’s source and whether or not it is permanent. 5xx error notifications indicate server-side problems. Similarly, it occurs when a website’s server fails to execute a request for whatever reason.

    5xx status code

    HTTP 5XX Server Errors Explained

    There are several 5xx server failures. They are equipped with unique response codes that aid in identifying a problem. As a website owner, you must grasp the various 5xx status codes and their implications. Let’s go through them now.

    • 500 (Internal Server Error)
    This is the most common message that internet users see. It depicts a broad server error displayed when the server cannot establish a specific problem.

    • 501 – Not Implemented
    This error indicates that the server cannot identify or execute the produced request for various reasons. This problem frequently occurs when the server is out of date. This is an uncommon issue that the server can readily resolve by upgrading the webserver.

    • 502 – Bad Gateway
    This error happens when the server acts as a proxy or gateway server, and the critical server sends an incorrect answer.

    • 503 Service Unavailable
    This error indicates that the server is not accessible at the time specified. This might be a result of overloading or maintenance. This is usually a temporary problem, and the user should try refreshing the page to see whether it works.

    • 504 Gateway Timeout
    Like the 502 status, this issue implies that the server acted as a proxy or gateway server. When a critical server fails to react on time, a 504 error will result.

    • 505 – HTTP Version Isn’t Supported

    A website server executes this statics code if it does not support or is incompatible with the HTTP protocol version used in the required message. The server demonstrates that it cannot complete the request with the same primary version as the website user.

    • 506 – Alternative Also bargains
    This code shows a problem with the server’s internal setup. It also signals that the chosen alternative resource is ready to participate in transparent content negotiation.

    • 507 – Inadequate Storage
    In this scenario, the code is generated when the resource cannot execute because it lacks the needed representation to complete the request. This is a transient state, similar to the 503 server error. The status code is generated as a result of user activity.

    • 508 – Detection of a Loop
    This error happens when the server terminates an action due to an endless loop discovered while processing a “Depth: infinite” request. The status indicates that the entire procedure was a failure.

    • 510 – Does Not Apply
    This server error happens when the request generated does not comply with the resource acquisition policy. When this occurs, the server transmits all the information back to the client, resulting in a long request.

    • 511 – Network Authentication Is Required
    This issue occurs when the client attempts to confirm their identity to access the network. This error’s response description should provide a resource link that allows users to present their credentials.

    How Can I Identify A 5xx Error Code?

    Determining an HTTP 5xx error might be difficult if it is just one page. This problem is more common among website owners with many pages. As a result, analyzing each page one at a time might be time-consuming and laborious.
    If you own a business, checking your web pages one by one might be detrimental to the organization’s bottom line. You might request that your users notify you whenever they encounter a 5xx fault. If no one alerts you, it will likely be long before you know you have several 500 mistakes.

    When Do HTTP 500 Errors Occur In The Request-Response Cycle?

    In a process known as the request-response cycle, the client and your browser communicate with a web server to display a web page. The 500 error shows at the cycle’s final step when there is an issue. Let’s have a look at how the procedure works.

    • The browser sends the IP address of the website to the domain name servers (DNS). The DNS provides the IP address of the website.
    • An IP connection socket is established to the IP address;
    • The browser sends an HTTP data flow across the socket; and
    • In response, the browser receives an HTTP data flow from the desired web server. If there is a problem with the server, this data flow will display the 500 error code in your browser.

    The Effect Of 5xx Mistakes On SEO

    Fixing 5xx server problems might be difficult. When Google detects a 5xx issue on a website, it is likely to reduce the site’s ranking. It may even remove it from the index if such problems lead consumers to have a negative experience. Furthermore, it is difficult to determine the actual problem they bring and the simple remedy.
    It’s worth mentioning that you can’t solve these issues by modifying the website code. You may wish to work with server administrators and developers to gain assistance. Remember that search engines despise server error 5xx Google, which is why you should resolve them as soon as possible.

    How To Resolve 500 Error Codes

    Identifying the source of a 5xx problem might be tricky at times. These status code issues can arise if you have corrupt or missing files, if scripts include mistakes, or if the server has incompatible updates. If you discover that you have a 5xx server problem, there are several verifications that you should perform, as shown below.

    Refresh the page. Some of these difficulties are just transitory, and you may easily resolve them by refreshing your web page.

    • Deleting Cookies
    Cookies associated with the site are frequently responsible for 5xx problems. Delete them and refresh your browser to resolve the issue. To do so, navigate to your browser’s history and choose erase. To remove cookies from some devices, you may need to tick the box next to cookies before deleting them. Reload your page and check to see whether the error code appears.

    • Examine The Site’s Error Log.
    Determine any recent upgrades or adjustments you have made to the system. You can revert to your previous settings until you resolve the problem.
    Analyze your site, identifying and analyzing any plugins you have recently installed. Roll them back until you’ve found a solution to your problem.

    • Get In Touch With Your Server’s Host

    If the problem persists, you will need to contact your host to resolve it. The chances are that they are already aware of the issue or that the site is undergoing maintenance. Communicating will assist you in determining when they will handle the situation.

    • Server-Side Scripts Have The Potential To Cause Issues.
    If you get 500 errors on your website, you can evaluate your server scripts to see if you can address the problem. Here are some pointers to help you through the procedure.

    Confirm that the server authorizations are accurate. Server hosts should set the authorization script in CGI or PHP to 0755. (-rwxr-xr-x).


    A 5xx server error happens when the server does not complete a request. As previously explained, there are several varieties of this problem. It might be difficult to identify and correct each of these problems as they occur.

    Website owners must recognize that search engines despise these faults. If your site receives 500xx errors regularly, a search engine may remove it from its index. To avoid deindexing, use SEO tools. Examine your website and identify these 5xx issues in real time with the help of these tools.

    Refreshing your page to see whether the problem is transitory, studying the error log on the site, and undoing any modifications or upgrades you may have done to the system recently are some of the simplest strategies you may use to cure 5xx server failures.