Why You Should Leverage the Power of Social Media Poll

Why You Should Leverage the Power of Social Media Poll


    We all are well aware of the fact that there are several things in terms of social media that we can use in our digital sphere. The poll is one of the vital elements to get things going to engage with your existing audience without fail. We have seen people using this tactic to use in various domains like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. and so forth. It is considered also a good engagement strategy for social media campaigns.

    social media poll

    Poll improves engagement

    Polls and questions are really great ways to generate engagement. They demand minimal effort from your audience which makes the chance of a reaction higher. Poll demand not much time to invest for the users. It just takes a single click to see the result. This makes polls both attractive and effective.

    Poll Assist to generate leads

    Polls pave the ways to lead generation without making audiences suffer much. The engaging experience of a social poll creates value for both you and your audience. And, when you provide value, people become more comfortable sharing information with you. In fact, attaching a lead form to send results or special offers can make the interaction feel even more natural.

    Brand awareness

    Polls have a unique way of making customers feel like they are a stakeholder in a brand. Seeking customer input not only shows that communication isn’t a one-way street, but it also shows that you are listening. Revealing poll results also lets the audience see where they stand as opposed to popular opinion.

    Registrations & event invitation

    Do you have an upcoming social media event or webinar? Facebook is the best platform to choose from to run the event promotion. After creating an event on Facebook, then you can further promote your event with story polls. Create a simple story with radio buttons like “Are You Attending? – yes/no.” This will instantly assist you to estimate attendees.

    Best Practices for Social Polls

    Create Polls as per Your Audience

    Always try to create polls based on the interest often found among your audience. In this way, you can maximize poll strength and engagement.

    Choose an Appropriate Platform for Polling

    All the platforms may not be that effective in terms of polling. Based on the niche, audience interest and presence these things differs from platform to platform. Thus, A/B testing can help you to succeed in this scenario.

    So leveraging polling on your existing marketing strategy can boost your brand presence as well as the engagement rate with your consumers. Hence it is good practice to follow.

    Types of Polls and Their Best Practices

    Surveys are a powerful way to engage your audience, gather feedback, and gain insight into their preferences, opinions, and behaviors. Understanding the different types of research and the best practices for conducting them can help maximize their impact. Here are some key considerations

    Multiple Choice Surveys 

    Multiple-choice surveys give respondents multiple choices. They are versatile and can be used to gain insight into different topics such as preferences, opinions or demographics. Multiple-choice polls allow for more nuanced responses and provide a broader understanding of audience preferences.

    Yes/No Surveys

    Yes/No surveys are simple and require respondents to choose between yes or no. They are useful for providing quick feedback on binary questions or for assessing agreement or disagreement with a statement. Yes/no surveys are easy to answer and can be effective in gathering immediate feedback on specific issues or topics.

    Timing and Frequency

    Timing: Consider the timing of your surveys to maximize engagement and relevance. Avoid scheduling surveys when your audience is likely to be busy or less engaged. Instead, choose times when your audience is most active and likely to respond quickly.


    Be aware of how often you use polls to avoid overwhelming your audience. Too many surveys can lead to survey fatigue and lower participation rates. Find a balance by strategically separating questions and focusing on topics that are important or interesting to your audience.

    Create Engaging Questions

    • Be clear and concise: Word your questions clearly and concisely so that respondents understand the topic and the opportunities offered.
    • Avoid bias: To get objective answers, make sure your questions are neutral and unbiased. Avoid leading language or loaded questions that may influence respondents’ answers.
    • Offer balanced choices: Offer a balanced selection of different perspectives and preferences in multiple-choice surveys. Avoid making biased or limited choices that can distort results.
    • Keep it relevant: Focus on topics relevant to your audience to encourage engagement and ensure valuable insights.

    In short, when conducting surveys, consider the survey, timing, and frequency of adoption that best suits your goals, and create compelling questions that encourage participation and provide valuable information. By following these best practices, you can effectively engage your audience, collect feedback, and make informed decisions based on the data you collect.

    Platforms and Tools for Social Media Polls 

    In social media surveys, both native features offered by social media platforms and third-party survey tools offer valuable opportunities for audience engagement and feedback.

    Basic Poll Features in Social Media Platforms

    Twitter Polls

    Twitter allows users to create polls directly in their tweets. Users can create a question, provide multiple-choice options, and set the duration of the survey. Twitter polls are seamlessly integrated with the platform, making it easy for followers to participate and share their opinions.

    Instagram Polls 

    Instagram offers a built-in poll feature on its Stories platform. Users can add a poll sticker to their Instagram stories, allowing followers to vote on a two-choice binary question. Instagram polls are interactive and visually appealing, increasing user engagement on the platform.

    Third-Party Poll Tools


    PollEverywhere is a versatile polling tool that allows users to create interactive polls and surveys for a variety of platforms, including social media, presentations, and live events. Users can edit survey questions, view real-time results, and collect audience responses online or on mobile devices. PollEverywhere offers advanced features such as audience segmentation and tracking.

    Crowdsignal (formerly Polldaddy)

    Crowdsignal is a user-friendly polling and survey platform that integrates with WordPress and multiple social media platforms. Users can create custom surveys with multiple-choice questions, rating scales, or open-ended questions. Crowdsignal offers customizable templates, analytics dashboards, and options for embedding surveys on websites or sharing them on social media.

    Both the native survey features of social media platforms and third-party survey tools offer unique benefits and features. Native features offer seamless platform integration and access to a wide audience, while third-party tools offer more customization, advanced features, and cross-platform compatibility. Depending on your specific needs and preferences, you can choose the platform or tool that best suits your goals for engaging your audience and conducting effective social media research.

    Monitoring and Analyzing Results

    Monitoring and analyzing the results of social media surveys are important steps in using the knowledge gained to shape marketing strategies and decision-making processes. Here’s a guide to effectively tracking, interpreting, and iterating on survey data and measuring ROI and success metrics

    Track and analyze results

    • Real-time monitoring: Monitor survey results in real time to track trends and collect them instantly. feedback from your audience.
    • Engagement data: Track engagement metrics such as votes, shares, comments, and impressions to gauge the reach and impact of surveys.
    • Demographic Information: Use analytics tools provided by social media or survey software to gather demographic information about your audience, such as age, gender, location, and interests.
    • Comparative Analysis: Compare results from different surveys or over time to identify patterns, preferences, and changes in public opinion.
    • Qualitative Feedback: Pay attention to comments, replies, and direct messages linked to survey responses to gain qualitative insights and understand the reasoning behind respondent choices.

    Interpreting survey data

    • Spotting trends: Look for recurring themes or trends in the data, such as popular choices or mood swings, to understand audience preferences and behavior.
    • Analyze patterns: Explore relationships and patterns between survey responses and demographic variables to learn about specific audiences.
    • Contextualizing the results: To accurately interpret the results, consider the context in which the survey was conducted, including current events, trends or marketing campaigns.
    • Look for subtle signals: Look out for subtle signals or anomalies in the data that may indicate emerging trends or areas for further investigation.
    • Combining quantitative and qualitative data: Integrate quantitative data from survey responses with qualitative feedback to gain a holistic understanding of audience attitudes and motivations.

    Iterate on strategies based on statistics

    • Content strategy refinement: Apply statistics from survey data to your content strategy, including topics, formats, and messages that resonate with your audience.
    • Adjust campaign tactics: Repeat marketing campaigns, campaigns or product launches based on survey feedback to optimize effectiveness and relevance.
    • Custom targeting: Refine audience targeting and segmentation based on demographic insights and preferences from survey data to improve relevance and engagement.
    • Test and Experiment: Continually experiment with new ideas, formats, or approaches based on insights gained from survey results to adapt to changing audience preferences.
    • Feedback: Encourage ongoing dialogue with your audience through polls and surveys to capture feedback and foster a sense of community.

    Measure ROI and Success Metrics

    • Track Results: Track results and other key performance indicators (KPIs) related to specific business goals impacted by survey results, such as website traffic, referrals generated, or sales.
    • Social Media Metrics: Monitor social media metrics such as follower growth, engagement rate, and sentiment analysis to measure the impact of survey-based content on brand perception and audience engagement.
    • Cost-effectiveness analysis: evaluate the cost-effectiveness of survey campaigns by comparing the resources used to create and promote surveys against the results achieved, such as increased brand visibility or customer satisfaction.
    • Long-Term Impact: Evaluate the long-term impact of research-based strategies on brand loyalty, customer retention, and overall business growth to measure the lasting ROI of your efforts.

    In short, it can be argued that monitoring, interpreting, and iterating based on survey data is an essential part of a data-driven approach to social media marketing. Using the insights gained from survey results, marketers can refine their strategies, optimize campaign performance, and effectively measure the ROI of their efforts.