Wix SEO: The Definitive Guide

Wix SEO: The Definitive Guide


    Too many articles, in our opinion, have lengthy beginnings that are mostly fluff. For your sake, we’d rather get right to the point! We’ll begin with an overview – Wix SEO Fundamentals. Because content marketing is such a broad topic, it has the most sections.

    wix seo guide

    Basics Of Wix SEO 

    Configuration + Technical SEO

    Technical SEO is essential for being found quickly. Wix streamlines this setup so you can go on with keyword rankings.

    Marketing with Content

    Content marketing takes effort, but you will enjoy long-term rewards such as keyword rankings and consistent online traffic if done correctly. Wix is designed to manage excellent content and meta tags, both of which are required for ranking.

    • Creating Links

    Links inform search engines that your website is authoritative and reliable. Links to Wix websites are considered the same as links to any other website.

    • Website Development

    For website newbies, this is where Wix excels. Wix’s ease of use will help you speed up your design process, enabling you to focus on higher-level SEO objectives like content and links. You may always change your design afterward. Set up your website and begin creating.

    Technical SEO Configuration

    1. Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools – Add your website to Google and Bing‘s indexes. Set up Search Console to track keywords and upload an XML sitemap, which alerts search engines about your site’s URLs / web pages.
    • Google Analytics – Monitor website information to help you make better decisions. Wix Analytics can be used for easy data analysis, while Google Analytics can provide more information. Create a Google Analytics account. Then, in Wix, enter your tracking information.

    This is a zoomed-in version of Analytics. The graphs and tables are only the tips of the iceberg when it comes to data.

    Perhaps you aren’t a data expert and don’t want to waste your time on something you’ll never use. No issue; however, keep in mind that if you employ someone to conduct SEO, they will most likely want to see this data to help them make a judgment.

    • Conversion Tracking – Conversions are your success metric. Tracking such events (which you can do in Google Analytics) allows you to determine which marketing efforts are effective and which are not.
    • Submission of an XML Sitemap – In Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools, submit your sitemap. Your sitemap is


    Replace “your domain” with your website’s domain and paste the URL into the appropriate Google and Bing locations.

    Marketing With Content

    • Setting Up For Title Tags

    After setting up your website for SEO, it’s time to promote it by keyword subject.

    Google crawls your website for tags to help it comprehend it.

    The title tag is the most crucial, and you’ve likely clicked on it hundreds or thousands of times.

    It’s the first thing Googlers see when they input a search term.

    • Improve Your Title Tags

    The most relevant keywords to your sector should be included in your homepage title tag. Additionally, your service pages should include relevant keywords and so forth.

    In the end, your contact page will not receive organic traffic, don’t be too concerned with the title tag.

    Your main web pages are vital, but if you truly want to increase traffic, develop a blog.

    Blogging, Content, And Long Tail Keywords

    Use your blog to target long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords contain two, three, or four words or more in the search.

    Check to see if the search has a decent amount of competition.

    Targeting keywords entails investigating three aspects of each keyword.

    1. Monthly search volume – how frequently is your term searched? Make use of Google’s Keyword Planner.
    2. The level of competition – how difficult is it to rank for your keyword? What websites are presently ranking for your desired keyword, and how powerful are they? Examine each website’s Domain Authority for your desired keywords using MozBar.
    3. Relevance – how probable is the searcher to result in a purchase or a client? How valuable would the purchase or customer be based on the keyword’s search intent?

    After all, once you’ve identified important keywords to target, prioritize them using the metrics given above! Begin selecting keywords that you believe will bring the most value based on their competition (higher number = more competitive).

    In conclusion, choose an alternative keyword if you’re currently targeting it with a title tag on another page. You should only target the same keyword on several pages if the term has a high value and your initial page isn’t doing well.

    However, keep in mind that SEO and blogging are long-term endeavors. Pages take months to rank for keywords. It takes time and work, but you can drive visitors for free every day if you can rank for lucrative keywords.

    Recommendations For Blog Titles

    Evaluate the headline of your article while you consider what you’ll put in your content. The title tag of your page is very important for SEO.

    Your title tag appears as a link in search engine results, inviting readers to click and telling search engines about the contents of your page.

    Include your keywords towards the beginning of the title tag and try structuring it to include additional relevant keywords.

    Once you’ve narrowed down your title tag to something more particular, you can begin writing and generating your content.

    Producing Content

    Target keywords with high-quality content that responds to a keyword’s “search intent,” or what the searcher is searching for.

    Learning via practice

    Keyword targeting with content marketing is a continual activity. Whenever you construct a web page that targets a keyword subject, you increase your chances of ranking for that topic and associated long-tail keywords.

    You’ll discover what works and what doesn’t as you develop more material. This will be beneficial in your future content attempts.

    Link Building

    Links referring to your website boost its “domain authority” and “trust.” However, not all hyperlinks are made equal. A link from a major website, such as the New York Times, will have a greater impact on rankings than a local Mom and Pop shop link.

    There are several methods for attracting connections to your website, but it may be a time-consuming process. For the sake of clarity, we’ve divided link building into two categories.

    Manual Link Building

    Manual link building is contacting web admins and presenting them with a proposal that claims to connect to your site would benefit them somehow. Your proposition must be valuable, especially if you are contacting strangers.

    Building a social network by commenting on and liking posts from industry leaders will help you get your foot in the door for a future link request.

    Asking someone you know is the best technique to obtain a link. Requests from strangers are easy to dismiss. Inquiring with friends or acquaintances will increase your possibilities.

    Creating Organic Links

    Natural link building is the practice of developing link-worthy material. Make your web pages, infographics, movies, and other content, and the links will follow.

    This can work, but actively seeking links boosts your chances.

    Website Development

    Design isn’t your traditional SEO element, but visitors won’t enjoy your site if it lacks a nice design. They will not stay engaged and will not contact you.

    After all, you want traffic that converts, and if that traffic does not convert, your SEO efforts are futile.

    This is where Wix can help someone new to web design. Its drag-and-drop design tools make the design process easier, allowing you to focus on content marketing.

    The sooner you start posting and targeting keywords, the sooner you’ll begin to rank. It’s a process, so get started as soon as possible if you’re serious about SEO.


    Point users in the direction you want them to go. It may seem simple, but navigation is critical to driving conversions.

    Users should be directed to your “go-to” material via your primary navigation. This is where you connect to pages such as your homepage, product/service pages, about page, and contact page.

    Make sure you have a sidebar if you blog! Your sidebar should have useful calls to action. Create intriguing content that motivates people to take action!


    Wix provides several color options. Choose one that complements your business and your style. Don’t go crazy with the colors. Choose a theme that is visually appealing and easy to read.

    Most websites use one or two primary colors, with a third color highlighting important calls-to-action or content.

    Paletton is an excellent resource for selecting color palettes.

    On-Page Structure

    Provide users with obvious paths along your sales funnel. If someone lands on your homepage, give them a taste of your products or services, as well as links to your about page and contact page.

    Brevity is important in such samples for folks who are skimming. Link to another page for those who seek further information.

    Provide calls-to-action (buttons) such as “Add to Cart” on product pages. For services, including a link to your contact page or a contact form on that page.

    Provide a call-to-action in your footer to lead users farther down the funnel. Consider connecting to crucial sites to assist people in navigating your site. It’s usual for lost browsers to scroll to the bottom of the page to find their solution.

    Thus, this was a brief but definitive guide to Wix SEO.