How to use Regex using Google Search Console

How to use Regex using Google Search Console


    We are all well-known to the most effective architectural tool offered by Google which is Google Search Console. It lets you manage all the technicalities for your website. Inside GSC, there are several advanced features are available. One of them is Regex (Regular Expression). A few months back to assist users to find and analyze data depending upon the queries and pages Google rolled out a new feature called Regex in Google Seach Console. It also assists to filter data according to the user’s need.

    regex in google search console

    What are Regular Expressions (Regex) in GSC?

    Basically, a regular expression or regex denotes a sequential set of characters which in return tries to define a search pattern.

    How to use Regex:

    In order to get the benefit of regex in Google Search Console, we can utilize the following steps to get started.

    Step 1

    Firstly, log on to the GSC dashboard and click on the performance tab as shown in the below screenshot:

    gsc dashboard

    Step 2: 

    Next, we have used some custom filtering to find some queries as shown under:

    gsc new
    gsc quey
    gsc queries
    gsc custom regex
    gsc filter

    We have used “Custom Regex” for hunting down some of the intent-driven keywords which start with “WH” words such as under:


    Step 3:

    By performing the above-mentioned step, we have obtained specific queries which have visibility on Google search and which only start with intent-driven queries / WH-queries. These queries are useful since they showcase the search terms for which Thatware already has good visibility and will help in tapping targeted audiences.

    We have simply exported the list and applied a filter to sort based on “highest impression to lowest”.

    Then we have segregated 30% of all the top queries. It is based on the last 3 months search data which have the highest impression. The list is shared as above:

    Here’s what is Expected:

    1. Since the queries already have good visibility on “Google search”. So further optimizing them would help in boosting the SERP visibility as a whole.
    2. With the above point being said, this would help us in tapping a more targeted audience and at the same time would also help us in improving the organic traffic acquisition ratio as a whole.

    Understanding Regular Expressions (Regex)

    Before diving into the specifics of using Regex in Google Search Console, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of what Regex is and how it works. Regex is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern, allowing you to match and manipulate strings of text based on specific criteria. This can include searching for certain words or phrases, identifying patterns of characters, or extracting specific information from text data.

    Applying Regex in Google Search Console

    Google Search Console (GSC) is a powerful tool provided by Google that allows website owners and webmasters to monitor and optimize their site’s performance in Google search results. While GSC provides a wealth of data and insights, leveraging Regex can help you extract even more valuable information and gain deeper insights into your website’s performance.

    Here are some key ways you can use Regex in Google Search Console:

    • URL Inspection Tool: The URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console allows you to inspect individual URLs on your website and view information about how Google crawls, indexes, and ranks them. By using Regex patterns, you can filter and search for specific URLs based on criteria such as URL structure, parameters, or content patterns. This can help you identify and address issues with specific pages on your site, such as duplicate content or crawl errors.
    • Performance Report: The Performance report in Google Search Console provides data on how your site performs in Google search results, including impressions, clicks, and click-through rates (CTRs). By applying Regex filters to the data, you can segment and analyze performance metrics based on specific criteria, such as queries, pages, or countries. This can help you identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for optimization, such as targeting high-performing keywords or optimizing content for specific geographic regions.
    • Index Coverage Report: The Index Coverage report in Google Search Console provides information on the indexing status of your website’s pages, including errors, warnings, and valid pages. Using Regex patterns, you can filter and analyze the index coverage data to identify issues such as crawl errors, indexation issues, or duplicate content. This can help you troubleshoot and resolve technical issues that may be impacting your site’s visibility and performance in Google search results.

    Practical Examples of Using Regex in Google Search Console

    Let’s walk through some practical examples of how you can use Regex in Google Search Console to analyze and optimize your website’s performance:

    • Identifying Crawling Issues: Suppose you want to identify pages on your website that are being crawled by Googlebot but are returning server errors (5xx status codes). You can use Regex to filter the Index Coverage report for URLs that match the pattern “” (where “” is your domain) and have a status code of “5xx.” This will help you pinpoint pages that are experiencing server errors and need to be addressed.
    • Analyzing Query Performance: Suppose you want to analyze the performance of queries containing specific keywords on your website. You can use Regex to filter the Performance report for queries that match the pattern “keyword1|keyword2” (where “keyword1” and “keyword2” are the keywords you’re interested in). This will allow you to see how those keywords are performing in terms of impressions, clicks, and CTRs and identify opportunities for optimization.
    • Filtering URL Parameters: Suppose you want to exclude certain URL parameters from being indexed by Google to prevent duplicate content issues. You can use Regex to create a rule in the URL Parameters settings that match the pattern “parameter=value” (where “parameter” is the name of the parameter you want to exclude and “value” is the value of the parameter). This will tell Google not to crawl or index URLs that contain that parameter and value combination.

    Best Practices for Using Regex in Google Search Console

    While Regex can be a powerful tool for analyzing and optimizing your website’s performance in Google Search Console, it’s essential to use it responsibly and effectively. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

    • Start Simple: If you’re new to Regex, start with simple patterns and gradually work your way up to more complex ones. There are many online resources and tutorials available to help you learn Regex syntax and usage.
    • Test Thoroughly: Before applying Regex filters or rules in Google Search Console, thoroughly test them to ensure they produce the desired results. Use the “Test Pattern” feature in GSC or other Regex testing tools to validate your patterns and confirm that they match the intended URLs or strings.
    • Be Specific: When creating Regex patterns, be as specific as possible to target the desired URLs or strings accurately. Avoid overly broad patterns that may inadvertently match unintended content.
    • Monitor Regularly: Regularly monitor the performance of your Regex filters and rules in Google Search Console to ensure they continue to produce accurate results over time. Update or refine your patterns as needed based on changes to your website or search behavior.

    Regular Expressions (Regex) are powerful tools used in various programming languages and software applications to search for and manipulate text patterns. In the realm of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), Regex can be particularly useful for analyzing and optimizing website data in tools like Google Search Console. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to use Regex in Google Search Console to effectively analyze your website’s performance, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions to improve your SEO strategy.

    Regular Expressions (Regex) can be a valuable tool for analyzing and optimizing your website’s performance in Google Search Console. By leveraging Regex patterns, you can filter and analyze data more effectively, identify patterns and trends, and make data-driven decisions to improve your SEO strategy. Whether you’re troubleshooting crawling issues, analyzing query performance, or filtering URL parameters, Regex can help you gain deeper insights into your website’s performance and drive meaningful improvements to your SEO efforts. By following best practices and experimenting with different patterns, you can unlock the full potential of Regex in Google Search Console and take your SEO strategy to the next level.

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