How Local Pack Headers can Provide Competitive Edge in your Local Targeting

How Local Pack Headers can Provide Competitive Edge in your Local Targeting


    There’s a certain element which is the part of the Google Local Pack which is ignored by almost 90% of the SEOs in the world but impacts 33% of all Google Searches. It has no industry-defined name, but an author in Moz gave it the name Local Pack Headers.

    local pack header


    Here is an example of a Local Pack Header 

    As you can see from the query, “50th birthday party ideas san rafael” 

    Google generates Local Pack headlines with the exact match keywords. However, that is not true for all cases. 

    Take a look at this:

    For the keyword adopt bunny, the local pack header is “Animal Rescue Services”, however, for the keyword “adopt bunny”, the local pack header is the exact match keyword.

    Some Data about Local Pack Headers

    An Intriguing Subject, recently, some guys at did some research on the subject and here’s what they came up with.

    There are Large Variety of Unique Local Pack Headers

    After studying about 4000+ searches, we found that only 40% of the local pack headers are exact match keywords, while the rest are auto-generated based on categories in GMB.

    Out of our 4,000 searches, nearly 2,000 of the headers were unique. As local SEOs, we are so attuned to thinking in terms of standard Google Business Profile categories. Nearly two-thirds of the time in our data set, what Google showed as a header was totally unique and not like any other result term within our experiment.

    Here are some instances:

    Why, for instance, does my search for “adopt dog” generate a local pack header for “animal rescue services”:

    But my search for “adopt bunny”, which is something you can also typically do at an animal rescue, receives an exact match header:

    Why does my search for “mop” generate an exact match header:

    But, as if it exists in some utterly different commercial reality than a mop, my search for “broom” earns the “in-store availability” header:

    Similarly, why does Google highlight the “in-store availability” of a desk:

    But for a couch, you’re on your own calling up “furniture stores” to see what’s in stock:

    Why do my searches for “karate”, “wing chun”, “aikido”, and “jiu jitsu” all bring up the “martial arts schools” heading:

    But my “tai chi” query is met with an exact match heading instead:

    Things get really wild once we start searching for something to eat. Google believes that my search for “jasmine tea” will be best satisfied at a grocery store:

    But if I want pickles, I deserve a header of my own:

    Meanwhile, suppose I look for “tacos”. In that case, Google maps that to a header for “Mexican restaurants”, and if I want “pho”, Google maps that to a header for “Vietnamese restaurants”, but Google doesn’t seem to believe my search for “spaghetti” is closely tied to “Italian restaurants” and, instead, shows me an exact match header, followed by a pack full of…Italian restaurants:


    Keeping the above observation in mind, it becomes imperative to optimise our GMB profiles as well as our landing pages with Map features such as the “ Local Pack Header”. Since the results obtained under local pack are relevant to the header generated, it may happen that even if your GMB profile is of the right category, it may not rank for certain search terms if it is not relevant to the “Local Pack Headline”.


    1. Take Your Target Keywords.
    2. Obtain the Local Pack Headline generated for each keyword, and maintain it in an excel sheet.
    3. Try to obtain the most common category from your obtained data
    4. Optimise your GMB Profiles and your website Landing Pages with these terms.

    Maximizing Local SEO Potential with Local Pack Headers: A Comprehensive Guide

    Expanding upon the critical role of Local Pack Headers in local SEO strategy, let’s delve into a comprehensive exploration of this often underestimated aspect of search engine optimization. Understanding the nuances and implications of Local Pack Headers can unlock significant opportunities for businesses to enhance their local visibility and gain a competitive edge in their target markets.

    1. Understanding the Algorithmic Mechanics:

    Delving into the intricate workings of Google’s algorithms reveals the underlying mechanisms that determine the generation of Local Pack Headers. These algorithms analyze an array of factors, including search intent, user location, relevance of businesses, and data gleaned from Google My Business (GMB) profiles. While some headers align closely with searched keywords, others are auto-generated based on the categories provided in GMB profiles. This dynamic nature reflects Google’s commitment to delivering the most relevant and diverse options to users.

    2. Unveiling User Intent:

    The variations in Local Pack Headers offer valuable insights into user intent and preferences. By discerning which headers are generated for specific search queries, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of what users are seeking. For example, the distinction between “animal rescue services” and “exact match keywords” in searches related to pet adoption suggests that users may have distinct intentions when searching for different types of animals to adopt.

    3. Tailoring Content Strategy:

    Armed with insights into Local Pack Headers, businesses can tailor their content strategy to better align with user intent and search trends. By analyzing the headers associated with their target keywords, businesses can optimize their GMB profiles and website content accordingly. This optimization may involve incorporating relevant keywords, updating business categories on GMB, and fine-tuning landing page content to match the themes highlighted by Local Pack Headers.

    4. Enhancing Local Visibility:

    The optimization for Local Pack Headers can significantly enhance a business’s local visibility and competitiveness. Since the results displayed in the Local Pack are directly influenced by the generated headers, businesses that align their profiles and content with these headers stand a greater chance of appearing prominently in local search results. This heightened visibility not only increases the likelihood of attracting local customers but also strengthens a business’s overall online presence.

    5. Strategic Implementation:

    The strategic implementation of a Local Pack Header optimization strategy requires careful planning and execution. Businesses can begin by compiling a list of target keywords and tracking the corresponding Local Pack Headers generated by Google. Analyzing this data can reveal patterns and common themes, enabling businesses to identify the most relevant categories and keywords to focus on. Subsequently, optimizing GMB profiles and website content based on these findings can help businesses establish a stronger presence in local search results.

    6. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation:

    Given the dynamic nature of local search, with algorithms being updated and user preferences shifting over time, continuous monitoring and adaptation are crucial. Businesses must stay agile and adaptive, keeping abreast of changes in Local Pack Headers and adjusting their strategies accordingly. By doing so, businesses can maintain their competitive edge in local targeting and ensure that they remain visible to potential customers in their area.

    Delving Deeper into Local Pack Headers: A Detailed Analysis

    1. The Role of Keyword Variations:

    One of the fascinating aspects of Local Pack Headers is the variation observed in their generation, particularly concerning keyword searches. While exact match keywords often result in corresponding headers, there are instances where Google opts for auto-generated headers based on broader categories. This variance underscores the complexity of Google’s algorithms and the importance of understanding the nuances of keyword selection in local SEO.

    2. Local Pack Header Case Studies:

    Examining case studies of Local Pack Headers in various industries can provide valuable insights into their impact on search visibility and user engagement. By analyzing real-world examples, businesses can glean actionable strategies for optimizing their own GMB profiles and website content to align with the themes highlighted by Local Pack Headers. Case studies also shed light on the effectiveness of different optimization techniques and the potential pitfalls to avoid.

    3. User Behavior Analysis:

    Understanding user behavior patterns in response to Local Pack Headers can provide invaluable data for refining local SEO strategies. By analyzing click-through rates, dwell times, and other engagement metrics, businesses can gain insights into the effectiveness of their optimization efforts. Additionally, observing user interactions with Local Pack results can reveal emerging trends and preferences, enabling businesses to adapt their strategies accordingly.

    4. The Impact of Mobile Search:

    With the proliferation of mobile devices, local search has become increasingly prevalent among on-the-go consumers. Local Pack Headers play a pivotal role in mobile search results, where space is limited, and user intent is often more immediate. Understanding how Local Pack Headers influence mobile search behavior can help businesses tailor their optimization strategies to effectively target mobile users and capitalize on local search opportunities.

    5. Integration with Other SEO Tactics:

    Local Pack Header optimization should be viewed as part of a broader SEO strategy that encompasses various tactics, including keyword research, content optimization, and link building. By integrating Local Pack Header optimization with other SEO initiatives, businesses can create a cohesive and comprehensive approach to improving their online visibility and driving organic traffic. This synergy ensures that businesses maximize their chances of success in the competitive landscape of local search.

    6. The Future of Local SEO:

    Looking ahead, the landscape of local SEO is likely to continue evolving, driven by advancements in technology, changes in user behavior, and updates to search algorithms. As such, businesses must remain proactive in adapting their strategies to stay ahead of the curve. While Local Pack Headers currently offer significant opportunities for improving local visibility, staying abreast of emerging trends and innovations will be key to sustaining long-term success in local search.


    Optimising your website and Local Google My Business Profiles for Local Pack Headers can give us a competitive advantage in gaining more SERP Visibility.