How To Test Google Lighthouse Performance Scores for Different Networks

How To Test Google Lighthouse Performance Scores for Different Networks

    In today’s digital age, delivering optimal website experiences to users across various network conditions is paramount. Recognizing the significance of performance, ThatWare, a leading digital marketing agency, has employed Google Lighthouse, a benchmark tool for web page quality, to conduct an in-depth analysis of the performance of their website,, across a range of network scenarios. In this article, we will delve into the methodology, results, and recommendations arising from this analysis.

    Google Lighthouse Analysis


    Website Under Test: Tools Used: Google Lighthouse, JavaScript, and Python.


    1. Data Gathering: To initiate the analysis, a tailored JavaScript code was utilized for data collection. Google Lighthouse was used to measure various performance metrics, providing valuable insights into the website’s behavior under different network conditions.
    2. Data Processing and Visualization: The collected data was then processed and visualized using a Python script. Graphical representations were generated to facilitate a straightforward comparison of performance across various network types.


    Lighthouse “Time to Interactive” Scores for Different Networks:

    The graph above depicts the “Time to Interactive” scores for the website across diverse network conditions. This metric is crucial as it measures the time it takes for a web page to become fully interactive, ensuring a smoother user experience. A superior score indicates enhanced performance, signifying a quicker transition to interactivity for users.

    Average Dataset Values for Different Networks:

    The graph above illustrates the mean page loading time (in milliseconds) for the website across different network types. This provides insights into the variance in page loading speed values based on the network condition. Lower values indicate better page loading performance for various networks.

    Conclusion and Recommendations

    Based on the detailed analysis conducted by ThatWare, several conclusions and recommendations emerge:

    1. Commendable Performance on Faster Networks:

    The website,, exhibits commendable performance on faster networks, as evidenced by the high “Time to Interactive” scores. This implies that users with access to robust network connections can enjoy a smooth and responsive browsing experience on the site.

    2. Room for Improvement on Slower Networks:

    However, the analysis also reveals room for improvement, particularly on slower networks such as “Slow 3G.” Websites should aim to deliver a satisfactory user experience across a wide range of network conditions, as users from diverse geographical locations with varying network capabilities might access the website.

    Recommendations for Improvement:

    To address the observed performance disparities across different network conditions, ThatWare offers the following recommendations:

    1. Optimize Media:

    Compress and lazy-load images, videos, and other media elements to reduce initial loading times. This optimization is especially crucial for slower networks, where large media files can significantly impact page load times.

    2. Minimize JavaScript:

    Reduce or defer non-essential JavaScript operations, ensuring that the website becomes interactive sooner. Overly complex JavaScript can be a major bottleneck in achieving a rapid “Time to Interactive.”

    3. Caching:

    Implement robust caching strategies to cache assets and decrease load times for returning users. Effective caching can significantly enhance website performance by reducing server requests and load times.

    4. Content Delivery Network (CDN):

    Employ a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to serve website content from servers closest to the users. CDNs optimize the response time by reducing the physical distance data needs to travel, resulting in faster loading speeds for users worldwide.

    In conclusion, optimizing website performance across diverse network conditions is a critical aspect of providing a seamless user experience and improving SEO rankings. ThatWare’s analysis of their website,, showcases the importance of addressing performance disparities among various network types. By implementing the recommended improvements, businesses and website owners can ensure consistent, high-quality user experiences regardless of their users’ network conditions, ultimately leading to greater user satisfaction and improved website performance.

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