Definitive Guide to Google Analytics Data API

Definitive Guide to Google Analytics Data API

What is Google Analytics Data API

The Google Analytics Data API accesses report data in Google Analytics.

google analytics data api

Steps To Follow

From Google Developer Console dashboard > go to Select a project > New Project > Give Project Name > Click on Create’, as shown here.

A notification will appear instantly as shown here

Thereafter select API & Services > Credentials

Then click on Create and Continue button

Next, Select Role to Owner and click > continue > done as shown below:

Once the complete setup done, then copy the marked generated email to a notepad for future use:

Then click on this marked email and add key as shown below:

Then select JSON and click on Create

A private key will be saved on your computer automatically.

Now, let’s move on to enabling the API part. Here are the steps to consider:

Click on left hamburger menu > APIs & Services > Library

Then search google analytics data api on the library.

And click on Enable option

These are the entire Google Developer Console steps to consider.

REST Resource – Methods

REST Resource:

REST Resource: