How to Get Ranked on 

How to Get Ranked on 


    Search Engines and AI has been the talk of the decade and in 2023 the trend seems to be at an all-time high. With Google almost dominating the market with negligible competition, many have been looking for search engine alternatives in recent years.

    get ranked on

    In 2020, Richard Socher, former chief scientist at Salesforce cofounded, An AI-Powered search engine which uses its powerful AI to analyse queries and rank answers appropriately. The major difference is that it has the ability to parse even programming languages and to complete small tasks on the Search Engine results page itself.

    This is because, unlike traditional Search Engines, has been able to integrate apps into the search engine ecosystem in a way that it allows for performing a number of tasks without the user having to leave the search engine. 

    This also includes generating lines of code by utilising GitHub’s Copilot, based on the Search Engine Query.

    YouWrite also has its own set of Apps for example, YouWrite which can write captions, blog posts, and generate small articles and essay ideas.

    How Do Traditional Search Engines Work?

    Traditional Search Engines like Google uses a complex AI algorithm which ranks results based on a local index that is created dynamically from a larger index each time a user makes a search query.

    The process involves: 

    Crawling: Google uses spiders or bots which follow links from one page to another and can scan and index the content they find along the way.

    Indexing: If the links are satisfactory as per Google’s Webmaster guidelines then they are added to its vast index of information for ranking.

    Processing: When a user enters a search query into Google, the search engine analyses the words in the query and the information in its index to determine which web pages are the most relevant to the search. This is done using complex algorithms and extensive data processing.

    With each query, Google’s algorithms attempt to sort through this vast amount of data quickly and accurately to provide users with the most relevant results.

    Ranking: Google uses a range of criteria to rank web pages in terms of relevance. These criteria include the relevance of the content to the search query, the quality of the content on the webpage, and the number and quality of other sites linking to the webpage.

    Results: After searching, the final step is to present the results to the user. Google displays a list of web pages it determines to be the most pertinent to the search query, with the most relevant pages appearing at the top.

    How does Work?

    Unlike Traditional Search Engines, relies heavily on User Feedback to rank results against user queries. It works like this:

    1. Based on the Initial AI Training the AI ranks the most relevant results on based on the search query.
    2. The user consumes the results and votes on the basis of how helpful was each result for the user.
    3. Based on the number of user votes, the search rankings change. This involves real-time changes to rankings as per the continuous change in User Upvotes.
    4. At, we believe in democratizing the search experience. That’s why their social voting system is designed to give users direct control over website rankings by relying on their input rather than a complex algorithm.

    How to Optimize your Website for

    Although hasn’t provided explicit access to search engine tools like Google search console to optimize our rankings, in our experience these are some of the best tips to optimize your search engine for ranking in

    Build Trust Signals

    Whether it’s Google or, search engines will always rank results from trustworthy sources. Having strong Backlink signals and quality content aligned with the Google search quality rater’s guidelines is important for ranking on as well.

    Expand Website Functionality with Web Apps have found a new way of integrating App functionality in search engines to enable the user to perform a variety of tasks without ever having to leave the search engine results page.

    This enables by various web apps which are indexable by It is hence preferable to improve your website and provide various functionality like Web Applications to further enhance your website visibility on

    Create Apps and Submit them to App Stores is also capable of pulling results directly from the App Store and Play Store. This makes App Store Optimization a very important SEO Strategy to rank well in “Search Engines of the Future”. can rank such results and also provide various public functionalities that can be performed directly on the SERP itself.

    Focus on User Engagement

    Last but not the least, focus on creating interactive experiences for your customer on the Website or through Apps. focuses heavily on customer feedback through votes. 

    Hence it’s really important to match the user intent for search queries. If the user has commercial intent, offer price comparisons and on-site product catalogues. If the user is looking for information, provide deep contextual content with images, videos and relevant links that can enable the user to feel satisfied.

    Focusing on quality will help in getting more upvotes and hence improve the prospect of ranking on

    Advanced Strategies for Optimizing Your Website for

    In addition to the foundational optimization techniques outlined, there are advanced strategies that webmasters can employ to maximize their visibility and rankings on

    1. Semantic Markup Implementation: Leveraging schema markup to provide context and structure to your website’s content can enhance its understanding by’s AI. By marking up key elements such as product details, reviews, and events, webmasters can improve the relevance and richness of their website’s search results.
    1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Optimization: Given’s emphasis on understanding natural language queries, optimizing website content for NLP can improve its chances of being surfaced for relevant search queries. This involves crafting content that aligns with common language patterns and user intents, thereby enhancing the AI’s ability to interpret and rank it appropriately.
    2. Voice Search Optimization: With the proliferation of voice-enabled devices and virtual assistants, optimizing website content for voice search queries can be instrumental in improving visibility on This includes incorporating conversational keywords and phrases, structuring content in a question-and-answer format, and optimizing for local voice search queries.
    3. Dynamic Content Generation: Capitalizing on’s integration with web apps, webmasters can explore dynamic content generation techniques to provide personalized and interactive experiences for users. By leveraging user data and preferences, websites can dynamically generate content such as product recommendations, personalized offers, and interactive tools directly within’s search results.

    Case Studies and Success Stories

    To illustrate the effectiveness of optimizing websites for, let’s explore real-world case studies and success stories from businesses and organizations that have implemented these strategies:

    1. E-commerce Platform Enhancement: A leading e-commerce platform optimized its product pages with schema markup and NLP-driven content to improve visibility on By providing detailed product information, customer reviews, and FAQ sections marked up with schema, the platform saw a significant increase in organic traffic and conversions from’s search results.
    2. Content Publishing Platform Innovation: A content publishing platform implemented dynamic content generation techniques to enhance its articles and blog posts for By integrating interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and interactive infographics directly within search results, the platform achieved higher user engagement and improved rankings for relevant search queries.
    3. Local Business Listing Optimization: A local business optimized its listings with structured data and localized content to improve visibility on’s local search results. By providing accurate business information, customer reviews, and location-specific offers, the business saw an increase in foot traffic and online inquiries from users.

    Best Practices for Long-Term Success on

    In addition to implementing advanced optimization strategies, adhering to best practices is essential for sustaining long-term success on

    1. Continuous Monitoring and Iteration: Regularly monitor website performance metrics on, such as search rankings, click-through rates, and user engagement. Use this data to identify areas for improvement and iterate on optimization strategies accordingly.
    2. Adaptive Content Strategy: Stay abreast of evolving trends and user preferences on to adapt your content strategy accordingly. Test new formats, topics, and interactive elements to gauge user response and refine content offerings for maximum impact.
    3. Collaboration with’s Developer Community: Engage with’s developer community to stay informed about platform updates, API integrations, and optimization opportunities. Leverage developer tools and resources to enhance your website’s visibility and functionality on


    Optimizing websites for requires a strategic approach that combines foundational techniques, advanced strategies, and continuous iteration. By implementing schema markup, NLP optimization, voice search readiness, dynamic content generation, and other innovative techniques, webmasters can improve their website’s visibility and rankings on’s AI-powered search platform. Real-world case studies and success stories underscore the tangible benefits of these optimization efforts, while adherence to best practices ensures long-term success and competitiveness in the evolving landscape of AI-driven search. By embracing innovation and collaboration, webmasters can position their websites for sustained growth and prominence on

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