40 Deep SEO Insights To Follow in 2024

40 Deep SEO Insights To Follow in 2024

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving field that plays a crucial role in the online success of businesses & individuals alike. To stand out in the digital landscape, it’s essential to not only understand the fundamentals but also dive deep into the intricacies of SEO. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore some profound SEO insights to help you improve your website’s visibility, increase organic traffic, & ultimately, achieve your online goals.


    1. User-Centric Content is King

    Quality Over Quantity

    It’s critical to provide content that connects with your audience… It’s more important to provide excellent, educational & interesting material than to spit out pages & text… Google’s algorithms have changed throughout time to give priority to UE or User experience. The longer users stay on your site, the better your rankings are likely to be. Prioritizing quality means focusing on what your target audience needs & values. This approach ensures that your content serves the interests & concerns of your users. When users find content that resonates with them, they are more likely to engage with it & stay on your website, which positively influences your SEO.

    Google’s algorithms consider user behavior on your website. If users engage with your content by reading, watching, or interacting with it, & they spend more time on your site (dwell time), it sends a strong signal of user satisfaction to search engines. Google interprets longer dwell times as an indication that your content is relevant & valuable to users, which can lead to improved search rankings. High-quality content is less likely to cause users to immediately leave your site (resulting in a high bounce rate). Quality content keeps users interested & encourages them to explore your website further, reducing bounce rates. Search engines view a decreased bounce rate as a favorable indicator.

    Understand Search Intent

    To create user-centric content, it’s vital to understand search intent. Why are users searching for a particular keyword or phrase? Are they looking for information, to make a purchase, or seeking entertainment? Tailor your content to match these intentions. When you create content that aligns with user intent, users are more likely to find what they’re looking for on your site. This leads to a positive user experience & increases the chances of them staying on your website.

    Google’s algorithms have become increasingly sophisticated in recognizing & ranking content that matches search intent. When your content closely matches what users are searching for, it’s more likely to rank higher in search results for those specific queries. Understanding search intent allows you to diversify your content strategy. You can create content that caters to different user needs, whether it’s informational, transactional, navigational, or for commercial investigation. This helps you capture a broader audience & address their varied requirements.

    2. Technical SEO Matters

    Page Speed

    The speed at which your website loads is a significant ranking factor. Compress images, reduce server response time, & utilize browser caching to ensure your pages load quickly. First & foremost, page speed is crucial for providing a positive user experience. In the current digital age… people visiting anticipate speedy website loads. If your pages are slow to load, visitors are likely to become frustrated & leave, resulting in higher bounce rates. Google understands this and, as a user-centric search engine, factors in page speed as an indicator of user satisfaction.

    Google & other search engines have officially confirmed that page speed is a ranking factor. Faster-loading websites are generally favored in search results because they are more likely to provide a better user experience. This means that if your website is slow, it could be ranked lower in search results, making it less visible to potential visitors. Images are often one of the primary culprits for slow-loading pages. To mitigate this, you can compress images before uploading them to your website. This reduces their file size without significantly compromising image quality. There are various image compression tools & plugins available to help with this process.

    Mobile Optimization

    With the increasing use of mobile devices… your website have to be responsive & mobile-friendly. Google prioritizes mobile-first indexing, so a seamless mobile experience is crucial. Mobile devices, such as smartphones & tablets, have become a preferred choice for internet access. Users browse, shop, & seek information on their mobile devices, making it imperative for websites to cater to this trend. Failing to do so can result in a poor user experience, potentially leading to high bounce rates & decreased rankings.

    Google has adopted a mobile-first indexing approach, meaning it primarily uses the mobile version of your site for ranking & indexing. In case your website is not mobile-friendly… it may not perform good in the search results. Therefore, optimizing your website for mobile devices is crucial to maintain & improve your visibility in search engine rankings. To ensure a seamless mobile experience… responsive web design is used. This approach will allow your website to adapt to different screen sizes as well as resolutions. It ensures that content is displayed properly on a variety of devices, enhancing user satisfaction & engagement.

    Crawlability & Indexing

    Search engines ought to crawl & index your website expeditiously. Utilize a sitemap, optimize your site’s structure, & use robots.txt to control which pages are crawled. Ensuring that your website is easily crawlable & well-indexed by search engines is crucial for SEO success. A well-structured site, sitemaps, robots.txt directives, & technical optimizations all contribute to efficient crawlability & indexing, ultimately impacting your website’s visibility & search engine rankings. By following these best practices, you can enhance your site’s chances of being effectively understood & represented in search engine results.

    3. Keywords Are Still Important

    Long-Tail Keywords

    Long-tail keywords are more specific than short-tail keywords, & they are often used by people who are looking for information about a particular topic. This makes them a valuable addition to your SEO strategy, as they can help you attract highly targeted traffic to your website. Additionally, long-tail keywords often have lower competition than short-tail keywords, which means that you are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for those keywords.

    Overall, long-tail keywords are a valuable addition to your SEO strategy. They are more specific, have lower competition, & are more likely to convert visitors into customers.

    Keyword Research Tools

    Keyword research is the process of identifying & researching the words & phrases that people use to search for information online. By understanding what keywords people are using, you can tailor your content & marketing campaigns to reach your target audience more effectively.

    There are a number of keyword research tools available, each with its own strengths & weaknesses. Some popular keyword research tools include:

    • Google Keyword Planner: A free tool from Google that provides data on the search volume, competition, & relevance of keywords.
    • SEMrush: A paid tool that offers a wide range of keyword research features, including competitor analysis & rank tracking.
    • Ahrefs: Another paid tool that provides data on keyword difficulty, organic traffic, & backlinks.

    When choosing a keyword research tool, it is important to consider your needs & budget. If you are just starting out… a free tool , Google Keyword Planner (GKP) may be sufficient. However, if you need more advanced features or want to track your progress over time, a paid tool may be a better option.

    Once you have chosen a keyword research tool, you can start brainstorming a list of keywords to research. You can use those tricks to find keywords:

    • Think about the topics you want to write about & the questions your target audience might be asking.
    • Use keyword research tools to generate list of some related keywords.
    • Look at keywords your competitors are using right now.

    Once you have a list of keywords, you need to research them to see how they perform. You can use the following metrics to evaluate keywords:

    • Search volume: The number of times a keyword is searched for each month.
    • Competition: Difficulty of ranking for a keyword. It’s so very hard…
    • Relevance: How closely a keyword matches your content.

    Once you have evaluated your keywords, you can start using them in your content & marketing campaigns. You can use keywords in your titles, headings, meta descriptions, & throughout your content. You can also use keywords in your social media posts, email campaigns, & paid advertising campaigns.

    By using keyword research to target the right keywords, you can improve your website’s ranking in search engines & reach more of your target audience.

    4. Backlinks: Quality Over Quantity

    Natural Backlinks

    Earn natural backlinks by creating top-notch content that others want to reference. Collaborate with influencers & industry authorities to boost your backlink profile.

    Disavow Spammy Links

    Regularly monitor your backlink profile & disavow low-quality or spammy links that could harm your site’s reputation.

    5. Local SEO

    Google My Business

    For brick-and-mortar businesses, optimizing your Google My Business profile is essential. Accurate information, reviews, & photos can significantly impact local rankings.

    Local Citations

    Consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone number) information across various online directories can improve your local SEO.

    6. User Experience & Design

    Mobile-First Design

    User experience & design go hand in hand. A mobile-first design approach ensures your site is easy to navigate on smaller screens.

    User-Friendly Navigation

    Intuitive navigation is essential. It should be very much easy for users to find what they’re looking for. This reduces bounce rates & improves your SEO.

    7. Voice Search Optimization

    Conversational Keywords

    With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimize your content for conversational keywords & questions.

    Featured Snippets

    Featured snippets. Those are a common source for Google’s voice search replies. Structuring your content for these snippets can boost your voice search visibility.

    8. Monitoring & Analytics

    Regular SEO Audits

    Conduct regular SEO audits.. to identify & rectify issues… Tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, & 3rd-party SEO software can be some help.

    Track Conversions

    Ultimately, SEO should lead to conversions. Set up & track goals in your analytics to measure your website’s effectiveness in converting visitors.

    9. E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness

    Demonstrate Expertise

    Establish yourself as an expert in your niche by creating authoritative & well-researched content.

    Authoritative Backlinks

    Build a strong backlink profile that includes authoritative websites in your industry.

    Transparency & Trust

    Be transparent in your content & actions to gain the trust of your audience & search engines.

    10. Adapt to Algorithm Updates

    Stay Informed

    Search engines frequently update their algorithms. Stay informed about these changes through reliable SEO news sources & adapt your strategy accordingly.

    SEO performance relies on several important metrics. So to speak, we have seen many ups and downs in the SEO trendline in terms of achieving desired results. Here we will discuss 40 vital deep SEO insights that can move the needle for your SEO campaign in 2024.


    1. PageRank Increases its Prominence for Weighting Sources


    AI and automation will bloat the web, and the real authority signals will come from PageRank and Exogenous Factors. The expert-like AI content and real expertise are differentiated with historical consistency.4,4061323

    How to prevent:

    Need to segregate the web pages according to their modularity and PageRank.
    Next, we need to do the hyperlink to balance the overall website.

    2. Indexing and relevance thresholds will increase


    A bloated web creates the need for unique value to be added to the web with real-world expertise and organizational signals. The knowledge domain terms, or PageRank, will be important in the future of a web source.

    How to prevent::

    Need to index all the pages properly on Google SERP.

    Google index value is 847.

    Daily crawl rate: 341 

    Crawl budget = (Site Index value) / (Single day crawl stat)

    The ideal score is as follows:

    1. If the Crawl budget is between 1 – 3 is Good

    2. If the Crawl budget is 4 – 10 is bad and needs fix

    3. If the crawl budget is 10+ then its worst and needs immediate technical fixes

    As per the calculation, 

    Crawl budget for https://thatware.co = 847/341 = 2.48

    Crawl Budget Comparison:

    The score for https://thatware.co is 2.48 which is in the ideal zone of 1 – 3.


    Hence, the campaign https://thatware.co is optimized by crawl budget, but needs to increase daily crawl pages.

    3. AI and automation filters will be created


    Google needs to filter the websites that publish 500 articles a day on multiple topics to find non-expert websites. This is already happening.

    How to prevent:

    Need to use “Bag of Words” technique to find out relevant topics and keywords.

    4. Google will start to make mistakes in filtering websites that use spam and AI


    The need for AI-generated content filtration forced Google to check and audit “momentum”, in other words, content publication frequency. I used the “momentum” first in TA Case Study.

    How to prevent:

    We are posting weekly basis blog based on the trending topics.

    How to prevent:

    Always try to maintain a low Spam score for the website to improve the website’s authority.

    5. Google uses Author Vectors, and Author Recognition


    LLMs use certain types of language styles and word sequences by leaving a watermark behind them. It is easy to understand which websites do not use a real expert for their articles, and content to differentiate.

    How to prevent:

    When search engines find author markup on a webpage, they can use it to display the author’s name in the search results, along with other information such as the author’s Google+ profile, which can help increase the visibility and click-through rate of the webpage in search results.

    This example defines an Article item with an author property whose value is a Person item with a name property.

    6. Microsemantics will be the name of the next game


    The bloating on the web will create bigger web document clusters, and being a representative source will be more important. Thus, micro-differences inside the content will create higher unique value.

    How to prevent:

    This algorithm is basically used to discover topic clusters which occur within a collection of the corpus of a document set. This is a customized modelling set where the principal algorithm which is used are namely LDA and PLSA.

    In the SEO world, topic modelling is widely used for specifying the intent behind the content. This is very important, especially for the rank brain algorithm

    7. Custom LLMs will be rented


    Custom and unique LLMs will be trained and rented to the people who try to create 100 websites with 100,000 content items per website. NLP in SEO will show its true monetary value.

    How to prevent:

    Need to use “NLP” technique to find out relevant topics and keywords.

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and human language. In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), NLP techniques can be used to understand the meaning and intent of the text on a webpage, as well as the intent of users’ search queries.

    One of the ways that NLP is used in SEO is to analyze the text on a webpage and extract relevant keywords and phrases. This information can be used to optimize the content of the webpage so that it is more likely to appear in search results for relevant queries.

    8. Advanced Semantic SEO will be a must for every SEO


    20 years of websites will lose their rankings to the new websites that come with 60,000 articles. This creates the need for advanced Semantics and Linguistics capabilities for SEOs.

    How to prevent:

    Need to use “Semantic proximity” technique to find out relevant topics and keywords.

    Semantic proximity measures the distance between similar words or searches terms within a specific document set. It works on a different algorithm which is known as Euclidean cosine.

    In seo, semantic proximity is very important. As per generic rule – each of the semantic keywords within a document set should be equally spaced and balanced.

    9. Cost-of-retrieval will be a base concept for SEO, as TA


    TA explains a big portion of how the web works. Information Responsiveness and Cost-of-retrieval will complete it further. 

    How to prevent:

    In a downturn, you must study your clients’ behaviour, examine their demands, use a scalpel rather than a cleaver to cut your marketing budget, and quickly modify strategy and product offers. One of the most significant advantages of SEO is that it allows you to predict your marketing spending based on keyword research. It allows you to determine what consumers are looking for, how much they can spend, and where they can spend it. Search engine optimization allows you to identify changing consumption trends and tailor your marketing tactics accordingly. Investing in SEO services is thus a wise decision.

    10. Google Keys


    The biggest Google leak after Quality Rater Guidelines already happened in 2023. And, We will be involved, but no more information, for now, We are not allowed to share more.

    11. Semantic Content Networks and Vocabulary Richness


    The Content Network’s expertise will be understood with the word sequences, and vocabulary richness. Experts use more unique words compared to non-expert authors. Shaping content networks with semantics and programs will be standard practice for SEOs.

    How to prevent:

    E-E-A-T stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness and relates to how Google ranks webpages in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

    E-E-A-T (the artist formerly known as E-A-T) derives from Google’s Search Quality Rating Guidelines which is designed to establish what it takes to create a good-quality website with strong ranking potential.

    12. Google Loses its Patience


    For a long time, I and many other people play with AI websites, and we realized that even if everything is legit and perfect, they would still remove the website. Once: We even didn’t use AI, everything was human-written, but we published too many articles at once, Microsoft Bing removed the entire website, and Google algorithmically demoted it.

    How to prevent:

    Need to add proper article schema markup to secure your website’s content from copyright.

    Article schema markup is a type of structured data that can be added to the HTML of a webpage to provide search engines with information about the content of the page. This information can include the headline, author, date published, and other details about the article. Markup can be added using the schema.org vocabulary, and there are several different types of schema markup that can be used for articles, such as NewsArticle, BlogPosting, and ScholarlyArticle.

    13. Google’s Biggest Cost List can change


    Google’s biggest cost is cooling the data centres. But, training the LLMs for applications like #ChatGPT to serve billions of people is not possible yet. A paid version of Google, some G. features, or Apps can be seen.

    14. SEOs and Digital Marketers will be lazier


    They usually do not seek a reason to get lazier, unfortunately, let’s move on to 15.

    15. Focus on websites with Fewer but More Relevant Links


    The overall patterns of external spam websites have a high velocity of links along with less relevancy, and the curated signals with 2E-A-T outrank the PageRank hoarding websites.

    How to prevent:

    Need to provide a good starting point for understanding off-page SEO and link building, and how to effectively acquire high-quality backlinks to improve the visibility of your website in search results.

    16. Exceeding Thresholds with more spam

    Reason: I have seen examples where sources that 90 expired domains are redirected or leverage sudden PBN links to the homepage rank higher. Completing 15: 16 allows you to see another path for SEO and an obstacle for search engines.

    17. Brand Signals become more important


    Again, Web Bloat. Brands with social media accounts, unique visuals, product lines, and positive reviews will leverage the 2E-A-T. Having direct traffic, and search demand from users is a positive ranking signal.

    Need to do brand mention links for the website.

    18. Not Relevance, Responsiveness


    With the help of Improved Information Extraction technologies, search engines rank documents that are responsive to the query needs rather than relevant to query terms.

    How to prevent:

    Search Intent Optimization is the Step by Step Process of creating content and optimizing it in a way to give the best answer exactly the way your target audience needs it. It’s about meeting their immediate needs and hence satisfying the searcher’s goal.

    19. Understand the Value of Passage Indexing


    SEOs still didn’t get their true value. However, it is a great indicator of Google’s infrastructure and mindset changes. Passage Indexing is for context-broken messy content, but it helps for relevance calculation further.

    How to prevent:



    3. PASSAGE <H2> TAG


    5. USE IMAGE



    20. Google will launch new LLMs


    Just, 11 days ago, they published CaLM on NeurlIPS 2022. Google will try to have the lead in cost-effective NLP technologies. It will be reflected in broad core algorithm updates, causing significant fluctuations.

    How to prevent:

    BERT is a pre-training method of transformer-based models. It’s designed to pre-train deep bidirectional representations from unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. This is done by training the transformer to predict words in a language modeling task and next-sentence prediction task.

    21. The NLP benchmarks will grow


    At the moment, we have 2000 language tasks to test LLMs. In 2024, probably this number will probably grow to over 4,000. Check out the GluE Benchmark to learn more.

    How to prevent:

    Need to use “NLP” technique to find out relevant topics and keywords.

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and human language. In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), NLP techniques can be used to understand the meaning and intent of the text on a webpage, as well as the intent of users’ search queries.

    22. Learn Basic NLP Rules and Principles


    Understanding even small and basic NLP rules help SEOs create more relevant and responsive documents, both visually and textually. The AGI models are planned and configured further thanks to NLP knowledge.

    23. Search Engines might get Long-form Questions


    At the moment, Search Engines do not understand long-form questions, but they are good at trivia questions. In 2024, thanks to NLP Benchmarks, this can start to change further. 

    It means long-form content can be better organized with more contextual and granular situation-related questions, and answers. Long-form questions involve a question and a declaration.

    How to prevent:

    The “People Also Asked” feature, sometimes called “Related Questions,” is a user interface (UI) element that appears in Google search results, showing a list of related questions that other people have asked about the same topic. These related questions are generated algorithmically based on the user’s search query, and they are intended to help users quickly find the information they are looking for.

    By analyzing the questions that other people are asking, you can gain insights into the topics and questions that are most relevant to your audience, and tailor your content to better meet their needs.

    24. Higher Response Times become more important


    A bloated web will consume more resources from search engine crawling systems. Having a higher response timing helps prioritization be indexed, crawled, or evaluated faster and more frequently.

    How to prevent:

    Average page response time for a crawl request to retrieve the page content. Does not include retrieving page resources (scripts, images, and other linked or embedded content) or page rendering time.

    The Average page response time is optimized for the website.

    25. SEO becomes more expensive and luxurious


    Even if organic search generates free traffic, SEO campaigns are already expensive. With the increased competition and the “Comparative Ranking” principle, the base costs for SEO campaigns will be higher.

    26. The NLP and SEO markets mostly unite


    The NLP Engineers already work in SEO businesses. I have even seen ex-Googlers go for NLP-related businesses that involve SEO. The semantic component of SEO will include NLP market products such as chatbots and text analysis.

    How to prevent:

    Always try to visible your webpage content crawl bot, So, Google also understands the intent of the page.

    And, also design the website with a proper Chatbot. It will convert the relevant users according to their requirements.

    27. Brand SERP becomes the default SEO


    As the father of Brand SERP, @jasonmbarnard

    tells you, the Brand SERP will be your initial contact point with your prospects. Thus, Brand SERP management will be a default part of SEO.

    How to prevent:

    Need to do brand mention links for the website to improve the Brand SERP.

    28. Knowledge Panel Management becomes Default SEO


    Defining your brand with your own factoids for greater authority, and reputation in the eyes of search engines will require knowledge panel management. Marking yourself as you want for Google’s brain will be a default.

    29. Owning a YouTube Channel, or Visual Expression is important


    Showing the face, and making the audio connection with different formats of the content with the audience’s help for 2-E-A-T, and Web Entity-based optimization. A website and a web entity are not the same.

    30. More Search Engines we will see


    The Base Requirements to create a new search engine is decreased thanks to NLP and better algorithms. Thus, Microsoft #Bing and other new search engines You, Neeva, or Ecosia become more important.

    How to prevent:

    There are main High Search volume keywords with Google SERP ranking.

    How to prevent:

    There are main High Search volume keywords with Bing SERP ranking

    There are main High Search volume keywords with Duckduckgo SERP ranking.

    31. Topical Authority and Semantic Content Networks become the default

    Semantic SEO is the search engine optimization strategy that enables the search query to produce meaningful results for the customer by knowing the purpose behind that question. Semantic search results provide the consumer with contextualized information by not limiting it to the search query’s specific keywords, but rather establishing a link to it.

    If you want to acquire the best visibility and search rankings for your websites then you should optimize your landing pages and website based on artificial intelligence modules which are related to semantic search, information retrieval, NLP, and etc.

    32. SEO Occupation Skills Baseline Increase


    SEOs already know too many skills. But, in the future, a deep understanding of search engines, and the ability to analyze the search engine engineer’s conditions will be way more important.

    33. Knowing How to Code becomes More Important


    ChatGPT or other AGIs can write code for humans, but the person who knows how to code will create better prompts, and unification of modules beyond non-coders.

    API stands for Application Programming Interface. It’s like a bridge between two software programs that allows both of them to connect to share data and achieve a certain level of integration between the two programs. Here you will learn the techniques of Google Indexing API Python.

    As per the indexing status of the URL (https://sustainergyholding.com/faq/) it was not indexed in the Google SERP to date (16.02.2022). After running the Python SEO program for this website, the URL got indexed as shown below (17.02.2022):



    34. AI Content Editing Will be a New Branch for SEO


    I call this “Algorithmic Authorship”, and it will have a place in the course. Editing AI-generated content to provide unique, and more accurate information with better sentence structures will be an occupation.

    35. Different Algorithmic Authorship Methods will arise


    Punctuations, Styling, Tonality, Sentence Structures, Sequences of Sentences, Declarations, Comparisons, Conjunctions and many linguistic components will be determined with different frameworks.

    Google search operators are special characters or commands that can be used in the Google search bar to refine or filter the search results. Some common search operators include:

    “site:” – This operator can be used to search for pages within a specific website. For example, “site:example.com” will return all pages indexed by Google from the website example.com.

    “filetype:” – This operator can be used to search for specific file types, such as PDFs or Excel documents. For example, “filetype:pdf” will return only PDF files related to the search query.

    “intext:” – This operator can be used to search for a specific word or phrase within the body of a webpage. For example, “intext:example” will return pages that contain the word “example” within the main body of text.

    “inurl:” – This operator can be used to search for a specific word or phrase within the URL of a webpage. For example, “inurl:example” will return pages whose URL contains the word “example”.

    “define:” – This operator can be used to look up the definition of a word or phrase. For example, “define:example” will return the definition of the word “example”.

    “cache:” – This operator can be used to view a snapshot of a webpage that Google has cached. For example, “cache:example.com” will show the last version of the website that Google indexed.

    “related:” – This operator can be used to find pages related to a specific URL. For example, “related:example.com” will return a list of pages that are similar to example.com.

    36. Unique Visuals and Images Signal 2 E-A-T


    Things that are harder to optimize will show the real difference in ML algorithms’ output as 1s and 0s. Unique visuals are harder to create than unique text.

    37. Google Business Profiles increase their importance


    GBPs involve a tremendous amount of business information and feedback. New GBP features, and GBP promotions from Google on G. Discover, or G. Surfaces will happen.

    38. Broad Websites that Leverage AI force Google to seek a Primary Focus for Web Sources


    Broader Topical Profiles might dilute the ranking signals, while deeper topical profile websites with a narrow focus can rank better against PageRank and Authority-hoarded sources.

    39. Fight Against Content Decay


    Content Decay is a state that signals outdated and stale content. The new search engine technologies require broader and richer contextually processed content. Thus, update your previous articles even if they perform at this moment.

    40. Focus on Information Gap, not Query Search Demand


    Use, Zero Search Volume Queries as I said before in TA Case Study, and Give Accurate Information before your competitors. Thus, work with only expert authors not just with expert AIs.

    Those are some keywords with zero clicks, but the impression is quite good for those keywords.

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