How To Evolve Your SEO In Times Of Global Economic Disruption?

How To Evolve Your SEO In Times Of Global Economic Disruption?


    One of the first lessons a new marketer is taught is that effective SEO should take into account people’s demands in the following areas: 

    • Your content; 

    • Even the requests you make in return from readers. 

    The fundamental goal of SEO during disruption is to create value by offering data pertinent to users’ queries. That value is even more crucial when experiencing severe upheaval, as we have over the previous 30 months or more. There’s no reason to use SEO methods that focus on transactions unless you’re selling toilet paper that’s in short supply. 

    seo on disruption

    Instead of creating a landing page to express opinions on the Ukraine conflict. A company that produces auto components could focus on resolving supply-chain issues that affect its distributor audience. 

    Repercussions On Your SEO KPIs 

    The economy is now impacting B2B and B2C businesses differently. The tech industry is under pressure from investors or facing financial pressure. Their target customers curtail spending. 

    As customers spend less and prices rise, retail and e-commerce businesses struggle. SEO KPIs must consider that people aren’t spending as freely as they were a year ago. 

    Although SEO conversion rate is and should be a KPI, it may not currently be the most relevant benchmark for improvement. Instead, think about concentrating on more upper-to-middle funnel KPIs, such as: 

    • Traffic 

    • The variety of touchpoints. 

    • The proportion of returning visitors. 

    • The number of pages visited. 

    These can accommodate a few tactics, including: 

    • Providing users with useful information until they are ready to make another purchase. 

    • Reassure your potential customers that their purchase will be a sound financial investment. 

    In this turbulent time, the one bright spot for SEO is that it may cover funnel holes created by shrinking paid media spending. So ensure you comprehensively understand your marketing team’s objectives and how SEO during disruption is expected to help. 

    How To Focus On Your SEO KPIs? 

    There are several instruments you may use to guide your strategic modifications. This can keep a constant watch on the macroeconomy and global trends. 

    Google Trends and Adwords 

    Using Google Trends and keyword research tools, you may learn a lot about the subjects and queries consumers are looking for. Or aren’t they searching for as much as they once did? Internal data is crucial for assisting you in pivoting successfully. 

    Paid Search Data 

    Aligning with your paid search team will provide real-time data on user search behaviour. Your paid search peers may provide information on keyword demand and whether their ads suddenly convert less (or more) without competitive adjustments. This can be a sign that the consumer experience is evolving. 

    Customers And Leads 

    Another excellent source of information is your current customer and lead database. Subscription cancellations and slowdowns in repeat purchases are blazing red warning signs that the demands of your target audience are changing. 

    When you see these indicators, you could consider conducting surveys to get input on people’s priorities and wants so you can use that information to inform your keyword and content strategy

    Impressions And Traffic 

    Ensure that you are monitoring traffic and impressions. Even if your rankings remain unchanged, if they are rising or falling, this suggests a broad movement in interest. To ensure you’re taking everything into account, you should always cross-reference your data with Google Trends, especially searching for past trends, including seasonality. 

    How To Get A Hold Of Your Traffic And Ranking? 

    It might not be easy to wrap your mind around the concept of immediate benefits in a long-term channel. SEOs invest a lot of work in gaining credibility and trust, and over time, momentum grows. 

    We advise concentrating on long-tail, low-competition keywords to raise awareness of your business, increase authority, and generate more backlinks. For example, you won’t rank for “supply chain” immediately, but you may gain ground with “why is there a supply chain deficit.”

    Additionally, organic social media may offer your network quick input on popular subjects. 

    A post that receives a lot of positive responses on your social media networks indicates that you have discovered a subject that might benefit from further exploration.

    Try methods like LinkedIn polls to uncover sentiment without hesitation. After that, add this information to your SEO program.

    SEO during disruption strategies may be created using the responses and information your audience gives you through organic social media.

    Create a keyword list based on the subjects and replies from this pivot. These are excellent suggestions for creating new blog posts, how-to articles, or enhancing your current marketing sites.

    Consider focusing more on more competitive, higher-volume phrases closely connected to the long-tail terms you first used if you start seeing results on those terms.

    Navigating Economic Disruption

    Businesses encounter particular difficulties during periods of economic upheaval, which need for adaptability, creativity, and perseverance. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a dynamic field that changes in the face of uncertainty, forcing marketers to modify their approaches in response to shifting consumer preferences and shifting market conditions. We explore the subtleties of growing your SEO strategy to successfully manage economic change in this in-depth tutorial.

    1. The Importance of Content Diversification:

    Content diversification becomes a strategic necessity for companies looking to stay relevant and visible in competitive industries in the face of economic volatility. While keyword optimization and content relevancy are the mainstays of traditional SEO techniques, expanding your content portfolio allows you to cater to a wider range of user queries and interests.

    Expanding Topic Relevance:

    Diversifying your content topics beyond your core offerings allows you to capture the attention of diverse audience segments and cater to their evolving needs and preferences. Consider branching out into related subjects, industry trends, and current events that resonate with your target audience, positioning your brand as a trusted source of information and insights.

    Agility in Content Creation:

    Adopt an agile approach to content creation, leveraging real-time data, social listening tools, and market insights to identify emerging topics and opportunities. By staying abreast of trending conversations and consumer sentiment, you can tailor your content strategy to address timely issues and capitalize on fleeting opportunities, enhancing your SEO performance amidst economic volatility.

    Holistic Content Experiences:

    Beyond textual content, explore multimedia formats such as video, infographics, podcasts, and interactive experiences to enrich the user experience and foster engagement. By offering diverse content formats, you cater to different learning styles and preferences, maximizing audience engagement and driving organic traffic to your digital properties.

    1. Harnessing the Power of User-Generated Content:

    User-generated content (UGC) represents a goldmine of authentic insights, testimonials, and social proof that can bolster your SEO efforts during economic disruption. By empowering your audience to contribute content, share experiences, and engage with your brand, you cultivate a sense of community and authenticity that resonates with consumers in turbulent times.

    Building Trust and Credibility:

    UGC serves as a powerful tool for building trust and credibility, as consumers place greater trust in peer recommendations and authentic experiences than traditional marketing messages. Encourage your audience to share testimonials, reviews, and user-generated content across digital channels, amplifying your brand’s authenticity and authority in the eyes of search engines and users alike.

    Insights-Driven Content Strategy:

    Tap into the wealth of insights embedded within user-generated content to inform your SEO and content strategy. Analyze customer feedback, sentiment analysis, and engagement metrics to identify recurring themes, pain points, and emerging trends that warrant exploration. By leveraging UGC as a source of market intelligence, you can tailor your content strategy to address customer needs and preferences effectively.

    UGC Optimization Tactics:

    Optimize user-generated content for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, metadata, and structured data markup. By aligning UGC with your broader SEO strategy, you enhance its discoverability and visibility in organic search results, driving traffic and engagement across digital touchpoints.

    1. Adaptability in Keyword Research:

    In dynamic economic environments, traditional keyword research methodologies may fall short in capturing shifting consumer behaviors and search intent. Embrace adaptability in your keyword research approach, leveraging real-time data, predictive analytics, and social listening tools to uncover emerging search patterns and opportunities.

    Real-Time Data Analysis:

    Stay ahead of the curve by analyzing real-time search data, trends, and patterns to identify emerging keywords and topics with high growth potential. Platforms such as Google Trends, SEMrush, and Moz offer valuable insights into fluctuating search volumes, seasonal trends, and topical interests, empowering you to refine your keyword strategy accordingly.

    Predictive Analytics:

    Harness the power of predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms to forecast future search trends and anticipate consumer behavior shifts. By leveraging predictive models and historical data analysis, you can identify patterns, correlations, and anomalies that inform your keyword targeting strategy and content creation efforts.

    Social Listening Tools:

    Monitor social media platforms, online forums, and community discussions using social listening tools to identify conversational keywords, trending topics, and emerging themes. By tracking user-generated content, sentiment analysis, and hashtag trends, you gain valuable insights into consumer preferences and sentiments that shape your SEO strategy.

    1. Optimizing for Voice Search and Conversational Queries:

    As voice-enabled devices and natural language processing technologies proliferate, optimizing for voice search and conversational queries becomes imperative for maintaining SEO resilience. Tailor your content strategy to align with the nuances of spoken language and conversational search patterns, enhancing user experience and discoverability across voice-enabled platforms.

    Natural Language Optimization:

    Optimize your content for natural language queries and colloquial expressions commonly used in voice search interactions. Incorporate long-tail keywords, question-based phrases, and conversational language patterns into your content to mirror the way users speak and inquire verbally.

    Schema Markup and Structured Data:

    Implement schema markup and structured data to enhance the visibility and relevance of your content in voice search results. By providing contextually rich metadata and structured information, you facilitate search engine understanding and retrieval of your content, improving its chances of being surfaced in voice search queries.

    Localized Voice Search Optimization:

    Prioritize localized voice search optimization strategies to capitalize on location-based queries and voice-enabled local search experiences. Optimize your business listings, content assets, and website structure for local SEO signals, including geo-specific keywords, business hours, and proximity information, to enhance visibility in voice search results.

    1. Prioritizing Mobile-First Optimization:

    With mobile usage surpassing desktop traffic globally, prioritizing mobile-first optimization is essential for maintaining SEO competitiveness and user engagement. Ensure that your website is fast, responsive, and intuitive across all devices, prioritizing mobile-friendly design principles and performance optimization techniques.

    Mobile-Friendly Design:

    Adopt a mobile-first approach to website design, prioritizing responsive layouts, touch-friendly navigation, and mobile-optimized content formatting. By designing for mobile usability and accessibility, you enhance the user experience and reduce bounce rates, driving higher engagement and conversion rates on mobile devices.

    Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP):

    Implement Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to deliver lightning-fast page load times and seamless browsing experiences on mobile devices. By leveraging AMP frameworks and optimizations, you improve site performance, increase SERP visibility, and enhance user satisfaction, particularly for mobile users with limited bandwidth or slower connections.

    Progressive Web App (PWA) Integration:

    Explore Progressive Web App (PWA) technologies to deliver app-like experiences and offline functionality on mobile web browsers. By integrating PWA features such as push notifications, offline access, and home screen installation prompts, you elevate engagement levels and retention rates among mobile users, driving organic traffic and conversions.

    1. Embracing Video Content and Visual Search:

    In an era characterized by visual communication and multimedia consumption, integrating video content and visual search optimization into your SEO strategy can yield significant dividends. Explore opportunities to create compelling video narratives, interactive experiences, and visually engaging content assets that resonate with your audience and enhance brand visibility.

    Video Storytelling and Brand Narratives:

    Harness the power of video storytelling to convey your brand’s narrative, values, and unique selling propositions in a compelling and memorable format. Create video content that educates, entertains, and inspires your audience, leveraging storytelling techniques, emotional appeal, and visual aesthetics to forge authentic connections and drive engagement.

    Interactive Visual Experiences:

    Explore interactive visual experiences such as infographics, data visualizations, and interactive media assets to captivate your audience and communicate complex concepts effectively. By leveraging interactive elements, animations, and dynamic content formats, you enhance user engagement and shareability, amplifying the reach and impact of your visual content.

    Visual Search Optimization Tactics:

    Optimize your visual assets for discovery and engagement across visual search platforms such as Google Images, Pinterest, and Instagram. Incorporate descriptive filenames, alt text, and metadata into your visual content to improve accessibility, relevance, and indexability, enhancing its visibility in visual search results and driving organic traffic to your website.

    1. Strengthening Local SEO and Community Engagement:

    Amidst economic disruptions, strengthening your local SEO presence and community engagement initiatives can provide a vital lifeline for sustaining business growth and resilience. Invest in localized SEO tactics, community outreach efforts, and relationship-building strategies to foster goodwill, loyalty, and trust within your target market.

    Google My Business Optimization:

    Optimize your Google My Business (GMB) profile to maximize visibility and engagement in local search results and Google Maps. Ensure that your business information, including address, phone number, and hours of operation, is accurate and up-to-date, and leverage GMB features such as reviews, posts, and Q&A to enhance customer engagement and reputation management.

    Local Citation Management:

    Manage your online business listings and citations across directories, review sites, and local aggregators to ensure consistency and accuracy of your business information. By maintaining a strong presence across authoritative local platforms, you improve your visibility in local search results and enhance your credibility and trustworthiness among local consumers.

    Geo-Targeted Content Creation:

    Create localized content assets and geo-targeted campaigns that resonate with your target audience’s specific needs, preferences, and interests. Tailor your messaging, offers, and promotions to address local concerns, events, and trends, demonstrating your commitment to the community and fostering deeper connections with local customers and stakeholders.

    Final Thoughts

    We must go back to the basics of what we do as SEOs and marketers and why this is all important in an era of global disruption. We are here for more than just business and brand growth. We are here to assist users in locating excellent responses and solutions to their queries. In situations like the one we’re in right now, what people need changes radically, and we need to adapt. 

    To learn more about SEO during disruption, follow us on ThatWare!