Implementing Lighthouse Performance Audits using Node CLI

Implementing Lighthouse Performance Audits using Node CLI

There is a convenient way to produce Lighthouse Audits through the Node Command Line Interface or Node CLI. The reports generated may be with or without customization.

The CLI live documentation can and instructions to run can be found on the main Github page >

lighthouse performance audit

Getting Started

  1. If you are trying to use the CLI, then you should install the lighthouse remotely using the code:

npm install lighthouse

Or you can install globally using

npm install -g lighthouse

Note: Lighthouse requires Node 14 LTS (14.x) or later.

  1. You can now Run the lighthouse report on any URL by the following line


Lighthouse will start gathering all performance related data to check in the reports.

The final report will be generated by default in C:/ drive. In this case it was generated in the following path.


Final Report

Here’s a sample Report generated for ThatWare:

Notes on Error Reporting

The first time you run the CLI you will be prompted with a message asking you if Lighthouse can anonymously report runtime exceptions. The Lighthouse team uses this information to detect new bugs and avoid regressions. Opting out will not affect your ability to use Lighthouse in any way.