All You Definitely Need to know about Google E-A-T

All You Definitely Need to know about Google E-A-T


    Google prioritizes user satisfaction in terms of search functionality made in search engines. Thus, they launched a framework to make it much easier for the users and publishers for a better search experience. E‑A-T is the acronym for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. EAT SEO deployed from Google’s Search Rater Guidelines with a view to improving search appearance.

    e-a-t SEO

    EAT Necessity

    • Google prioritizes websites that demonstrate expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T).
    • E-A-T is determined combination of the creator, the content, and the website.
    • Basically, E-A-T is vital for websites that publish YMYL (your money, your life) content.

    How does Google determine E-A-T?

    • Based on the expertise of the author of the overall content.
    • The authoritativeness of the author of the overall content, and the website.
    • The trustworthiness of the author of the overall content, and the website.

    E-A-T SEO Significance

    Google understands that a person may make a life-altering decision based on what they read online. Therefore, a bad source of information in Google search results can have real-world consequences.

    You might also categorize your web pages or to determine that fall into any of these YMYL categories, you must tread carefully. Make it crystal clear.

    The more you abide by and utilize the EAT specifications to your content, the better opportunity you will get in terms of organic visibility and ranking potential for your content.

    E-A-T Considered As A Ranking Factor or Not

    Google itself declared that E-A-T is not a ranking factor for the sites. Though you need to consider expertise, authority, and trust which are ranking factors.

    Not only E-A-T is the only metric to measure in terms of SEO but also there are other factors also need to consider. Just like other measurable factors that indicate the quality of authors, web pages, websites, and brands.

    Here’s what Danny Sullivan said:

    “It’s almost like we look for signals that align with expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness. We should give that an acronym like E-A-T and maybe suggest people aim for this. Oh wait, we did”:

    Why E-A-T is important for your SEO strategy

    Google started penalizing keyword stuffing a long time ago because it diverts the reading experience. They made device responsiveness (especially mobile) a ranking factor when the majority of people started using mobile devices to search the internet. Google prioritized HTTPS over HTTP because it wanted increased security for searchers. They developed Core Web Vitals because they wanted to quantify a fast, seamless user experience.

    E-A-T is no such exception. It is one more way to explore for Google the deliverability of what users want.

    E-A-T assists determine credibility. It is the basis of evaluation as to whether a website and its individual pages create real value for the user. Google generally gives much relevance to those web pages which brings more value to its users that helps to keep engage people with your site.

    Steps to improve EAT SEO

    1. Build the proper backlinks

    2. Get more brand mentions from trusted sources

    3. Keep old and new content accurate and up to date

    4. Get more online reviews and obviously respond to them

    5. Get a Wikipedia page for your brand

    6. Do a proper content audit

    Here’s a brief assessment on E.A.T signal:

    Step 1: Expertise

    Landing Page:

    Focus Keyword: AI Based SEO Services


    Need to post a PDF submission on the High Domain Authority website with the above-mentioned keyword.

    Step 2: Authoritativeness

    Observation: Go to Search Console and check which page receives high impression.

    Landing Page:

    Focus Keyword: SEO Services in Australia

    Anchor Text: ThatWare


    Need to post Press Release

    / Review post or Third party post on High Domain Authority website with the above-mentioned keyword, but mainly use the brand name as anchor text.

    Step 3: Trustworthiness

    Observation: Go to Google analytics and check the max avg. time spent and low bounce rate.

    Landing Page:

    Focus Keyword: SEO Services For Electronic OEM Gadgets (LSI Keyword)


    Need to post on High Domain Authority website with the above mention keyword.

    Also you need to ensure the following checklist as well:

    From E-A-T to E-E-A-T: The Evolution of Google’s Content Evaluation and User Experience

    Understanding E-E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and Experience) is essential for anyone looking to optimize their online presence and rank well on Google. But before delving into E-E-A-T, it’s crucial to grasp its predecessor, E-A-T, which first surfaced in Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines in 2014.

    Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines serve as a blueprint for evaluators, known as “Quality Raters,” who gauge the quality of Google’s search results. These guidelines aid evaluators and assist Google’s algorithms in discerning what constitutes high-quality and relevant content.

    E-A-T encompasses three fundamental components:

    Expertise: This refers to the proficiency and knowledge exhibited by the content creator. Google expects content to originate from individuals possessing genuine expertise in their respective fields.

    Authoritativeness: It pertains to the credibility and reputation of both the content creators and the websites they represent. Sites and content creators are deemed authoritative if they are well-established and respected within their domains.

    Trustworthiness: This denotes the reliability and credibility of the information presented. Content that is accurate, well-sourced, and transparent is more likely to be trusted by users and search engines alike.

    E-A-T was crafted to ensure that users receive reliable and valuable information when utilizing Google’s search engine.

    Fast forward to December 2022, Google introduced an additional “E” to the equation, thus giving rise to E-E-A-T, with the “E” standing for Experience. This addition underscores Google’s heightened emphasis on authentic, firsthand involvement or practical familiarity with the subject matter covered in content.

    In essence, E-E-A-T signifies that Google now places greater importance on content creators with actual experience in the topics they discuss. This shift is particularly pertinent when users seek insights or advice on specialized topics or contemplate purchasing products or services.

    Pages created by individuals with genuine experience in the subject matter are often rewarded with higher rankings by Google. Aligning with E-E-A-T principles enhances a page’s chances of securing prominent positions in search engine results pages (SERPs) and navigating future Google algorithm updates successfully.

    Google also emphasizes that Trust (the “T” in E-E-A-T) is paramount, serving as the cornerstone of the entire framework. Without trustworthiness, a page’s E-E-A-T is significantly compromised. After all, if users lack trust in the content, its value diminishes considerably.

    Comprehending the core elements of E-E-A-T is crucial for crafting high-quality, trustworthy content that resonates with both users and search engines, ultimately leading to improved visibility and credibility in the digital realm.