Difference Between Building Backlinks and Indexing Backlinks

Difference Between Building Backlinks and Indexing Backlinks


    “I cannot find my Links! You guys promised to Build 4000 backlinks but I can only see 1200 in my SEO Tool. Where are the others?”

    If you are an SEO professional or work in an SEO Agency, you might be familiar with these types of queries from your clients. They are obviously right in their perspective since they simply don’t understand how Search Engines create and process backlinks.

    backlink indexing and link building

    A Brief Introduction To Indexing

    A cornerstone of the digital age, indexing serves as the backbone of search engine functionality, enabling users to access relevant information quickly and efficiently. At the heart of this process lies Google’s search engine, renowned for its vast database of web content, aptly termed the “Index.” When a webpage is published, it does not instantly appear in search engine results pages (SERPs). Instead, Google’s web crawlers meticulously scour the web, analyzing and indexing newly published content into their database.

    This indexing process is crucial as it determines the visibility and accessibility of webpages in search results. Without proper indexing, even the most informative and well-crafted content may remain undiscovered by users seeking relevant information. Therefore, the efficiency and accuracy of Google’s indexing system are paramount to ensuring that users receive timely and relevant search results.

    In essence, indexing acts as the foundation upon which the entire search engine ecosystem is built. By organizing and categorizing vast amounts of web content, indexing facilitates seamless navigation and discovery, empowering users to access the information they need with just a few clicks. 

    Here’s how you can check the number of indexed pages in your website using the site: operator. 

    So if you have published a new blog or page, you may not see that page in the SERP. Here’s how it looks: 

    Here’s how you can check the number of indexed pages in your website using the site: operator. 

    So if you have published a new blog or page, you may not see that page in the SERP. Here’s how it looks: 

    How to Get Indexed in Google?

    Getting indexed in Google is crucial for ensuring that your website or webpage appears in search engine results pages (SERPs) and is accessible to users. Here are two effective methods for achieving indexing:

    Search Console 

    Google Search Console is a powerful tool that provides valuable insights into your website’s performance in Google search results. One way to get indexed in Google is by using the URL Inspection Tool within Search Console. Here’s how it works:

    To get the URL Inspection Tool, open Google Search Console.

    Enter the URL of the webpage you want to index and click on the “Request Indexing” button.

    Google will then crawl the URL and index it in its database, making it eligible to appear in search results.

    While the URL Inspection Tool is convenient for indexing individual pages, it has limitations. You can only request indexing for one URL at a time, which may be time-consuming for larger websites with numerous pages.

    Using Screaming Frog SEO Tool and Search Console Sitemap

    Another effective method for getting indexed in Google involves utilizing the Screaming Frog SEO Spider tool in conjunction with Google Search Console’s sitemap feature. Here’s a step-by-step process:

    First, use the Screaming Frog SEO Spider tool to crawl all the pages on your website. This comprehensive crawl will identify all the URLs associated with your site.

    Once the crawl is complete, generate a manual sitemap using the sitemap feature in Screaming Frog. This sitemap will contain a list of all the URLs found during the crawl.

    Next, upload the manual sitemap to the root directory of your website. This ensures that Google’s crawlers can easily locate and access the sitemap.

    Finally, submit the sitemap to Google Search Console. This informs Google about the structure of your website and the location of its pages, making it easier for the search engine to crawl and index your content.

    By using Screaming Frog SEO Spider and submitting a sitemap to Google Search Console, you can streamline the indexing process for your website. Unlike the URL Inspection Tool, this method allows you to index multiple pages simultaneously, making it ideal for larger websites with extensive content.

    Indexing your website in Google is essential for maximizing its visibility and reach on the web. By leveraging tools like Google Search Console and Screaming Frog SEO Spider, you can ensure that your website’s pages are crawled and indexed efficiently, allowing them to appear in search engine results and attract organic traffic. Whether you’re indexing individual pages or submitting a comprehensive sitemap, prioritizing the indexing process is key to achieving success in the competitive online landscape.

    Using the Indexing API

    Google has launched its own indexing API. You can add the Google Developer project as a user in Search Console and can run the program using Python. It allows instant indexing of 250 urls every time the API is invoked.

    However, with multiple Developer accounts, we can easily increase that limit.

    You can learn about it more > https://thatware.co/google-indexing-api-python/

    This is the best technique for indexing as the process is instantaneous, while in the previous cases, you merely request Google for indexing.

    A backlink is just a link from one site to another. Google has confirmed that it discovers more content by crawling links existing on the crawled pages. Hence, it is recommended to maintain a proper interlinking structure of your website.

    Hence, submitting a backlink to an external website is not automatically shown in any SEO Tool or web crawling tool, since most SEO Tools fetch their data from Google itself.

    So you might have to wait for the next crawl cycle of that particular website, in order for your backlinks to be crawled. Large websites not optimized for SEO may have a poor crawl budget; hence, building backlinks on such websites may take longer to index.

    Backlink Created Successfully

    Backlink Parent Page not Indexed

    This why you can see variations in the backlink count that is submitted to the external websites and the backlinks that are indexed in Google that show up in any SEO Tool crawl.

    Rest assured all submitted backlinks will get eventually indexed by Google, it is only a matter of time before they do.

    If you’re a business person working with an SEO agency or as a professional, you might feel discouraged by the slow pace of indexing backlinks. However, there’s a secret technique that can expedite the process and ensure that your backlinks are promptly reflected in Google’s SERPs.

    The key lies in leveraging the Google Indexing API, which offers a streamlined method for submitting URLs directly to Google’s index. While the Indexing API is typically associated with the Google Search Console, there’s a clever workaround that allows you to utilize it for external websites.

    Here’s the trick: Google Search Console allows you to add not only website properties but also Google properties. By adding a Google property for the external website containing the backlinks, you gain access to the Indexing API functionality. This enables you to submit URLs for indexing directly to Google, bypassing the need for traditional crawling methods.

    By using the power of the Google Indexing API in this manner, you can significantly accelerate the indexing process for backlinks, ensuring that they are promptly recognized and reflected in Google’s search results. This secret technique provides a valuable advantage for businesses and professionals seeking to maximize the impact of their SEO efforts. 

    1. Create a Property in Blogger or Google Sites.
    2. Take a list of all the Live Links from the Backlink Sheet from your SEO Team, and put it in an organized manner on that page.
    3. Publish that page and take the published URL in the excel sheet.
    4. Invoke the Indexing API using Python. (Know the steps here > https://thatware.co/google-indexing-api-python/
    5. Check your Backlink Score in your preferred SEO Tool.

    The total number of referring pages (backlinks) instantly shot up. Using the Indexing API, is really helpful and can have an instant impact on your off-page efforts for your SEO campaign.