Google MUM Update: New Face of Google AI technology in SEO

Google MUM Update: New Face of Google AI technology in SEO

Google has rolled out MUM, its latest AI technology that lets search engines better understand content and user search intent. It says that MUM is more powerful than its predecessor BERT, and will help Google better understand not only written text but videos, images, and podcasts also in 75 different languages. Google MUM update is going to be more beneficial for the local marketers.

google mum update

What is Multitask Unified Model (MUM)

Google MUM update is launched for answering more complex search queries. It will help for complex search and provide an appropriate search result. As an example of queries:

“I want to travel to Dubai what suit I should wear?”

As a result, it will check as per category

  • Weather of Dubai
  • Route map of Dubai
  • Travel guide of Dubai
  • Hotel of Dubai
  • Food of Dubai
  • Economic condition Dubai
  • Science of Dubai
  • Healthcare condition of Dubai
  • Rules and regulation of Dubai

Here all these types of criteria check for complex search just because fetch the appropriate result. It helps the user to find out all the details of the place as well as the nature of the place which helps you to find out easily what is necessary for the place like food, dress and all that. We are using “Google search”  and find all the details as per search, like if we provide a query “I want to travel Dubai what suit I should wear?”  then google the first searches the result.

How MUM Works

In accordance with Google, MUM can unfasten information in documents format like HTML, PDF, TXT, etc as well as image, video, and audio content, contextualizing and linking content in a way that goes beyond the “artificial” level of language. For future searches, this means that the priority will be to provide information that (MUM) is the best fit for the search query, rather than merely scanning documents on the subject matter. In this respect, MUM is also creating the basis for translating information from other languages and making it accessible in the user’s language.

Basically, MUM can work in 75 languages, and it understands and generates language as we saw with OPEN AI GPT-3. Hence, the breakthrough comes with understanding different mediums of digital content. Yearly, the limitations to succeeding on Google have been primarily limited to the text on your website.

Above all, preparing for AI-driven algorithmic rankings SEO, and we already saw advancements in 2018 with the advent of E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness). SEOs are stunned by the results of producing content with a high E-A-T score; even discontinued most backlink buildings. Content is the biggest differentiator in your niche, and now that applies to every medium of content Google can index.

Mum will process images, text, and videos as well. Since MUM is a “multi-modal,” Google can start combining text, images, and videos in Search Result pages. Just imagine getting a curated list of search results like a Pinterest board? Elaborate pieces of information coming together to answer complex questions and situations. SEOs will closely watch MUM as they could anticipate this updating launching in installments over the next several months.

Key Features of Google MUM

  1. Multitask Unified Model: MUM’s core feature is its ability to handle multiple tasks at once, mimicking the human brain’s multitasking capabilities. This empowers the search engine to comprehend the context of queries more effectively.
  2. Massive Multimodal Dataset: MUM has been trained on a vast and diverse dataset, including text and images from across the web. This enables the model to gather insights from various sources to generate accurate and relevant responses.
  3. Multilingual Proficiency: MUM can understand and process queries in multiple languages, making it a game-changer for global users seeking information in their native tongue.

Impact of MUM on SEO Strategies

MUM’s introduction will undoubtedly influence SEO strategies. Here are some considerations for website owners:

  1. User Intent Optimization: Content creators must focus on understanding and catering to user intent as MUM can now analyze more complex search queries.
  2. Content Quality and Depth: MUM prioritizes high-quality, comprehensive content. Websites with in-depth articles are more likely to rank well.
  3. Visual Content Optimization: With MUM’s multimodal capabilities, optimizing images and videos becomes crucial for improving search visibility.

Preparing for MUM: Best Practices for Website Owners

To prepare for the MUM update, website owners should implement the following best practices:

  1. Enhanced Content Research: Conduct thorough keyword and topic research to identify user pain points and create content that addresses them.
  2. Diverse Content Formats: Incorporate various content formats like videos, infographics, and podcasts to appeal to MUM’s multimodal abilities.
  3. Structured Data Markup: Implement structured data to help MUM understand the context and structure of your content better.

The Future of Search with MUM

The introduction of MUM marks a crucial milestone in the evolution of search technology. As the model continues to improve, users can expect:

  1. Seamless Conversational Search: MUM’s ability to understand context will lead to more natural and conversational search interactions.
  2. Personalized Search Results: MUM’s comprehensive understanding of user queries will enable highly personalized search results.


Google MUM is a game-changer for the search engine industry, promising to deliver more relevant, accurate, and contextually rich search results. Website owners must adapt their SEO strategies to leverage the potential of this groundbreaking update fully. Embracing MUM’s capabilities will not only improve website visibility but also enhance the user experience, ultimately driving better business outcomes.