Auto-Generated Content: How Is It Harming Your SEO?

Auto-Generated Content: How Is It Harming Your SEO?

Auto-generated content is coded material that is generated from a collection of pre-defined templates. It is commonly used to publish and index a large number of pages in search engine results pages (SERPs). As a result, not every auto-generated content is a “black-hat” approach.

auto generated content

The Negative Effects Of Auto-Generated Content

Google has supplied a few samples of potentially hazardous auto-generated material. Here are a few examples:

  • Content is mechanically translated and published without being checked by a human.
  • Content is created by “scraping” RSS feeds automatically.
  • Gathering stuff from many sources and releasing it in its original form without making it distinctive or different.
  • Auto-generated content based on a ‘Markov process’ that follows ‘Markov properties’ — thus the name. This material is generated automatically utilizing pre-existing content, with additional variables created depending on likelihood. It’s similar to your phone’s familiar automated and predictive features, such as auto-correct.

What Effect Does Auto-Generated Content Have On User Experience?

Google favours material that is original, one-of-a-kind, and beneficial. This is done to give a decent user experience (User Experience). Auto-generated material, on the other hand, provides a poor user experience because it is unlikely to be creative, distinctive, or beneficial.

Because this sort of material frequently contains rehashed information, machines will struggle to read it. Furthermore, such content is typical of poor quality and poorly optimized. As a result, websites may employ auto-generated strategies to fill in pages with insufficient content. In order to rank higher in SERPs, this can frequently have the opposite impact. If your material does not impress searchers and they find it lacking. They will most likely leave your site – at least not for long. This leads to a greater bounce rate and a lower retention rate. This means that additional pages on your website are not viewed.

What Happens If You Create Content For Your Page Automatically?

Using software, tools, or apps to generate material automatically might pose issues with Google’s Panda algorithm. Which is designed to combat low-quality content. When this occurs, your site will be punished at the domain level. It will result in a significant decline in Google site ranking and a fall in organic traffic to your site.

To be clear, not all automatically created information is dangerous. Depending on your business, a mix of natively developed. Automatically generated material may be suitable for content creation and publication. For example, some businesses with a wide range of items also gather data on the same products. It requires a piece of auto-generated material. It serves as the skeleton around which all other features and information are built.

An Illustration Of “White Hat” Auto-Generated Content

I’ll use a specific Danish firm named “Art and Design” to make this example as clear and real as feasible. This business uses auto-generated content and text on its product pages.

They did it in a way that will not be punished by Google’s algorithm for auto-generated content. They employed integrated tools to produce excellent content with all of the necessary conditions for ranking on Google. That has at least been rated high on most of their site pages.


Many businesses and websites may find that auto-generated content is necessary. For example, if the product composition and range are too broad and complicated. It may be impossible to produce unique messages for each one. As a result, in certain circumstances, online software solutions auto-generate material. It can be used to automate aspects of the process.