SEO Benefits of Quora Submission

SEO Benefits of Quora Submission


    Quora is one of the most crucial SEO assets in terms of link acquisition. It is a great way to bring valuable referral traffic to the SEO marketing campaign. Most SEOs often left it untouched including Quora into their advanced SEO strategy. Today we will unearth the SEO benefits of Quora submission. Let’s dive into detail.

    seo benefits of quora submission

    Here are some of the benefits that we could be benefitted from Quora in terms of our marketing strategy:

    Quora Topics Comes in first place always

    The most noteworthy thing about Quora is that Google even ranks its contents with respect to other authoritative sites if a user trigger searches for some query-specific things on Google. Quora-specific Q & A tends to come on the search results. For this kind of query, Quora even outrank Wikipedia in terms of position gaining in SERP.

    Follow topics that generate interest

    If you want to learn new things then Quora is a great resource to provide you with that. You can also ask questions and always ask the implicit “why”? Be neat with your answers and get rid of posing yes or no questions. Most importantly, steer clear of posting questions that are already on the platform. Willing to post questions? then search for your question first in the search bar of Quora to find out what’s already been asked and answered.

    Explore the BEST segment

    Browse the most helpful query that includes ‘BEST‘ in it. Here you will find the quality of answers is quite impressive itself. Even Quora offers you to interact with the most famous celebrities who are already there on the platform. Start exploring and make the most use of it.

    Crowdsource Ideas

    It is also a crucial platform for e-commerce business. If you have plenty of products based on various segments then here you can ask for your product feedback. You can broadly capitalize on your target market.

    Treasure Trove for Traffic

    Quora is one of the fastest-growing Q & A platforms with over 200 million monthly unique visitors. It is really a treasure for SEO enthusiasts who wants to drive traffic for their SEO campaign.

    Another unforeseen benefit of Quora answering questions daily is the discovery of topics, questions, trends, and ideas. When following a topic, Quora will itself suggest questions to answer. Within each topic, you can also view the top questions and the top contributors in that category. From there, you can explore the user’s profile, the questions they’ve asked and the answers they’ve given. 

    Sidenote: Quora space is a newer feature similar to Facebook Groups, where users can create communities, curate collections around a particular topic. The only difference is that those who only belongs to Quora Space can only contribute content.

    Let’s deep dive into the walkthrough here.

    Quora Submission Walkthrough

    Before doing any submission on Quora the thing you must do is to improve your Quora feed as shown below:

    Make sure all of the above-mentioned points should be covered and marked as green ticked to improve the feed.

    Now coming back to the submission procedure, here is the to-do to perform:


    Firstly, start off with an answer segment where you can find relevant questions sections to answer. Here’ how it will look like:

    You can also post any of the answer requests based on your niche.

    Moving onto another vital segment of Quora is to create a Space and discover topics with relevance to your targeted niche. You can even create your own Space and develop content in accordance with the same.

    Next up, on your Quora feed’s left-hand side you will also find your followed niche topic and participate in respective threads in order to provide valuable feedback or comments.

    In this way, you can popularize your own brand and can drive a huge amount of valuable traffic to your website.

    Understanding Quora:

    Quora is a question-and-answer platform that allows users to ask questions, answer queries, and engage in discussions on a wide range of topics. With millions of active users and a vast repository of knowledge, Quora presents a unique opportunity for brands to showcase their expertise, build credibility, and connect with their target audience.

    Creating a Profile:

    The foundation of any successful presence on Quora begins with a well-crafted profile. For ThatWare, this means creating a profile that not only reflects the company’s brand identity but also positions it as an authority in the field of SEO and digital marketing. This involves optimizing the profile with relevant keywords, a professional photo, and a concise yet informative bio. By doing so, ThatWare can attract followers and establish credibility among Quora users, ultimately increasing its visibility and influence on the platform.

    Identifying Relevant Topics:

    To effectively engage with the Quora community, ThatWare must identify relevant topics related to SEO, digital marketing, and related industries. By following and engaging with users interested in these topics, ThatWare can expand its reach and participate in discussions that align with its expertise. This not only helps ThatWare establish itself as a thought leader in its field but also provides valuable opportunities to share insights, network with industry peers, and contribute to the broader conversation.

    Crafting High-Quality Answers:

    One of the most impactful submission methods on Quora is providing high-quality answers to questions within ThatWare’s areas of expertise. By investing time and effort in crafting informative, well-researched answers, ThatWare can add value to the conversation and demonstrate its expertise to Quora users. Consistently providing valuable insights and solutions not only attracts followers and earns upvotes but also increases ThatWare’s visibility on the platform, ultimately driving traffic to its website.

    Engaging with the Community:

    In addition to answering questions, ThatWare must actively engage with the Quora community by commenting on posts, upvoting helpful answers, and participating in discussions. By fostering meaningful interactions and building relationships with other users, ThatWare can enhance its reputation, increase its influence, and ultimately drive traffic to its website. Engaging with the community also provides valuable opportunities to learn from others, gain insights into industry trends, and stay updated on relevant topics.

    Promoting Content:

    Quora offers opportunities to promote ThatWare’s content and drive traffic to its website. ThatWare can strategically incorporate links to its blog posts, articles, and other resources in relevant answers, providing users with valuable information while directing them to its website for further engagement. Additionally, sharing Quora activity on other social media platforms can further expand ThatWare’s reach and attract new followers, ultimately driving more traffic to its website.

    Monitoring Performance:

    To measure the effectiveness of its Quora submissions, ThatWare must regularly monitor key metrics such as views, upvotes, comments, and click-through rates. By analyzing these metrics, ThatWare can identify which topics and submission methods are resonating with its audience and adjust its strategy accordingly to maximize its impact. Monitoring performance also provides valuable insights into user behavior, allowing ThatWare to refine its approach and optimize its Quora presence over time.

    Content quality and Quora

    Content quality plays a crucial role in the success of any digital marketing strategy, and this holds true for Quora as well. As a platform built on the exchange of knowledge and expertise, Quora places a high value on content quality, making it essential for brands like ThatWare to prioritize the creation of valuable, insightful content. Let’s explore why content quality matters on Quora and how ThatWare can ensure its submissions meet the platform’s standards.

    Establishing Credibility:

    High-quality content on Quora helps ThatWare establish credibility and authority in its field. When users encounter well-researched, informative answers from ThatWare, they are more likely to view the company as a trusted source of expertise in SEO and digital marketing. This credibility not only enhances ThatWare’s reputation on Quora but also increases the likelihood of users engaging with its content and following the company for future insights.

    Building Trust with Users:

    By consistently delivering high-quality content on Quora, ThatWare can build trust with its audience. Users are more likely to trust information provided by companies that demonstrate expertise and provide valuable insights. When ThatWare consistently produces informative, well-researched content that addresses users’ questions and concerns, it fosters a sense of trust and reliability among Quora users, strengthening the company’s relationship with its audience.

    Enhancing Brand Visibility:

    Quality content on Quora can also help increase ThatWare’s visibility and reach on the platform. Quora’s algorithm rewards content that receives upvotes, comments, and shares, pushing it to the top of search results and increasing its exposure to a wider audience. By consistently producing high-quality content that resonates with users, ThatWare can improve its visibility on Quora, attracting more followers and driving traffic to its profile and website.

    Driving Traffic and Leads:

    In addition to increasing brand visibility, high-quality content on Quora can also drive traffic and leads to ThatWare’s website. When users find value in ThatWare’s answers and insights, they are more likely to click on links to the company’s website to learn more. By strategically incorporating links to relevant blog posts, articles, and resources in its Quora answers, ThatWare can funnel engaged users to its website, where they can further explore its services and offerings.

    Differentiating from Competitors:

    Quality content sets ThatWare apart from competitors on Quora. In a crowded marketplace where multiple companies may be vying for users’ attention, the quality of content can be a key differentiator. By consistently delivering valuable, insightful answers that stand out from the competition, ThatWare can position itself as a leader in its industry and attract more followers and engagement on the platform.


    Hope you find this guide relevant enough to do the research and implement in the Quora platform. This is how you can benefit from your marketing strategy from Quora.

    Wrapping Up

    Hope you find this guide relevant enough to do the research and implement in the Quora platform. This is how you can be benefitted from your marketing strategy from Quora.