How To Calculate Link Velocity For SEO

How To Calculate Link Velocity For SEO

    The link velocity of a website is typically calculated by measuring the rate at which new backlinks are acquired over a given period. There isn’t a specific universally accepted formula for calculating link velocity, but here’s a common approach:

    link velocity seo

    Determine the time period: Decide on the timeframe for which the link velocity will be calculated (e.g., a month, a quarter, or a year).

    Count the number of new backlinks: During the selected time period, identify and count the new backlinks that point to the website. These are the backlinks acquired within the chosen timeframe.

    Purpose: The purpose of monitoring link velocity is to assess the growth and development of a website’s backlink profile. By analysing the rate at which new backlinks are gained, website owners or SEO professionals can evaluate the effectiveness of their link building strategies and identify any unusual or unnatural patterns that could potentially trigger search engine penalties.

    Link Velocity Formula:

    Link Velocity = (Number of new backlinks) / (Time period)

    Number of new backlinks:

    Here it is showing that there are 1516 new backlinks from 21st May to 22nd June

    So, Number of new backlinks: 1516

    Time period:

    Here the time period shown here is 21st May – 22nd June. So the total number of days are in this time period is 33

    So, Time period: 33

    Calculation Of Link Velocity:

    Link Velocity = (Number of new backlinks) / (Time period)

    Number of new backlinks = 1516

    Time period = 33


    =(1516 )  / (33)

    =45.939 ~ 46

    So, the Link Velocity is 46(approx)

    The ideal score are as follows:

    1. If the Link velocity is >5 = Good backlink growth
    2. If the Link velocity is 2 – 5 = Moderate backlink growth
    3. If the Link velocity is <2 = Low backlink growth

    Now let us compare Link Velocity:

    The score for this blog is 46(approx) which is more than 5.

    Hence the Link Velocity of this website is 46, so it is Good. The Average new backlink growth is excellent for this website.

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