Get Traffic to Your Website by Sharing Images | Useful Hack

Get Traffic to Your Website by Sharing Images | Useful Hack


    Google and SEO have evolved a lot in the past few years and to be honest the competition is quite harsh out there. However, there is always room for Honest bloggers and brands trying to make good content, help people and make a name for themselves.

    get traffic using images

    For a newbie Blogger, or a website it may seem that Paid Ads are the only way to get some initial traffic and get your website on track. 

    However, that’s not the case.

    Apart from following the usual steps, you can always, you can share content on Social Media, create connections,  invest in SEO activities, and engage in like-minded forums, there are a ton of hacks through which you can get traffic today to your website.

    Today We will talk about one such Website where not only you can get traffic from just sharing pics, but also acts as a valuable link-building opportunity.

    Understanding the Power of Images in Driving Website Traffic

    The power of images in driving website traffic involves delving into the statistical evidence, exploring the psychological mechanisms at play, and explaining how images effectively boost user engagement and retention.

    A. Statistics and Research on the Effectiveness of Visual Content

    In recent years, numerous studies have underscored the profound impact of visual content on digital marketing outcomes. According to research by HubSpot, content with relevant images receives more views than content without visuals. Moreover, a study by Social Media Examiner revealed that 32% of marketers believe images are the most important form of content for their business, followed by blogging at 27%.

    The rise of platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, which are inherently visual-centric, emphasizes the growing preference for visual content consumption among internet users. Instagram alone boasts over one billion active users, and Pinterest has over 400 million monthly active users, underscoring the immense potential of visual platforms in driving website traffic.

    Additionally, data from e-commerce platforms indicates that product images significantly influence purchasing decisions. High-quality images showcasing products from multiple angles and in various contexts have been shown to increase conversion rates and reduce bounce rates, highlighting the tangible impact of visual content on consumer behavior.

    B. The Psychological Impact of Images on Human Behavior

    Images have a profound ability to evoke emotions, capture attention, and convey complex information rapidly. This is attributed to the way the human brain processes visual information. Studies in neuroscience suggest that the brain processes visual content significantly faster than text, with visuals being processed 60,000 times faster.

    Images have the power to evoke emotions, which play a crucial role in decision-making. Whether it’s joy, nostalgia, or curiosity, emotions triggered by visual content can influence consumer behavior, driving them to engage with the content and take desired actions, such as visiting a website or making a purchase.

    The use of visual storytelling can create memorable experiences for users, leading to increased brand recall and affinity. By leveraging narrative elements within visual content, brands can establish deeper connections with their audience, fostering loyalty and advocacy.

    C. How Images Enhance User Engagement and Retention

    Visual content has been shown to significantly enhance user engagement across various digital platforms. Social media posts with images generate higher engagement rates, including likes, comments, and shares, compared to text-only posts. This is because images are inherently more captivating and shareable, prompting users to interact with the content and amplify its reach.

    Incorporating images into website design can improve user experience and retention. Visual elements such as infographics, videos, and interactive graphics make content more engaging and facilitate comprehension of complex information. This, in turn, encourages users to spend more time on the website, reducing bounce rates and increasing dwell time.

    The visual appeal of content can influence its vitality, as users are more likely to share visually appealing content with their networks. By creating visually striking and compelling content, brands can leverage the power of social sharing to amplify their reach and drive organic traffic to their website.

    Understanding the power of images in driving website traffic requires recognizing the compelling statistical evidence, appreciating the psychological impact on human behavior, and acknowledging how images enhance user engagement and retention. By harnessing the potential of visual content effectively, brands can optimize their digital marketing strategies to attract and retain audiences in an increasingly visual-centric online landscape.

    Optimizing Images for SEO

    The optimization of images for SEO involves understanding why it’s crucial, implementing best practices for image file naming and alt text, and optimizing image size and format for optimal website performance.

    A. Importance of Optimizing Images for Search Engines

    In the realm of SEO, optimizing images is often an overlooked aspect, yet it holds significant importance in improving a website’s search engine rankings and overall visibility. Search engines like Google rely on various factors to determine the relevance and quality of web pages, and images are no exception.

    Optimized images contribute to better user experience by enhancing the visual appeal and accessibility of web pages. Furthermore, search engines consider image optimization as a ranking factor, meaning that properly optimized images can help improve a website’s position in search engine results pages (SERPs), consequently driving organic traffic. With the increasing prevalence of image-based search features, such as Google Images and visual search tools, optimizing images becomes even more critical for gaining exposure and attracting relevant traffic to a website.

    B. Best Practices for Image File Naming and Alt Text

    Image file naming and alt text play a crucial role in image optimization for SEO. When naming image files, it’s essential to use descriptive, keyword-rich filenames that accurately reflect the content and context of the image. This not only helps search engines understand the relevance of the image but also improves accessibility for users with visual impairments.

    Alt text, or alternative text, provides a textual description of an image, which is displayed in place of the image in scenarios where the image cannot be rendered or accessed. Alt text serves multiple purposes, including improving accessibility, providing context for visually impaired users, and assisting search engines in understanding the content of the image.

    When writing alt text, it’s important to be descriptive and concise, accurately conveying the content and purpose of the image while incorporating relevant keywords naturally. However, it’s crucial to avoid keyword stuffing and prioritize readability and relevance for both users and search engines.

    C. How to Optimize Image Size and Format for Website Performance

    Optimizing image size and format is essential for enhancing website performance, including page load speed and overall user experience. Large, uncompressed images can significantly slow down page loading times, leading to higher bounce rates and lower search engine rankings.

    To optimize image size, it’s recommended to resize images to the dimensions required for display on the website, avoiding unnecessarily large dimensions that exceed the space available. Additionally, compressing images using tools or plugins can reduce file size without compromising image quality, further improving loading times.

    Choosing the appropriate image format is also crucial for optimization. Common image formats include JPEG, PNG, and GIF, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. JPEG is ideal for photographs and complex images, offering high compression rates with minimal loss of quality. PNG is preferred for images with transparency or sharp edges, while GIF is suitable for animated images.

    Website owners can ensure optimal performance and user experience while maintaining visual quality and SEO effectiveness by selecting the right combination of image size and format.

    Optimizing images for SEO involves implementing best practices for image file naming and alt text, as well as optimizing image size and format for website performance. By prioritizing image optimization as part of their SEO strategy, website owners can improve search engine visibility, enhance user experience, and drive organic traffic to their websites.

    Create Albums on and Share them on Reddit

    If you are a newbie blogger, you perhaps optimize your website blog, share some content to some relevant subreddit, get some upvotes and be happy with that.

    If you are that guy, you are missing a lot on the potential activities you could perform to triple your traffic and incoming engagement on your site.

    Let’s talk about how you can use to get more increase your traffic:

    For those who are unfamiliar, is an Image Hosting site that was actually created by a Redditor. It has grown exponentially in the past few years, thanks to its close association with Reddit.

    And there’s evidence to it as appears as one of the most submitted websites on Reddit.

    Here’s an example of how this website turns images into Imgur albums and shares them on Sub Reddit.

    Step By Step Guide to using to Drive Traffic

    1. Make Images out of Blog Posts

    This is also part of a useful content marketing tactic called content repurposing. Although it might not work in all niches, however, if you are in a consumer environment, You are right at home.

    Basically, you can take experts from your blog and create image posts. Check out this post from

    Hence if you have listicle-type content like “7 Video Editing tips” you can create an image for each tip and make the entire blog into an Album.

    If you are uncomfortable with Image editing, you can simply describe it in the captions of

    1. How to Create Album from Images
    • After sign-in at, you can tab on upload images
    • You can choose to browse from a Desktop, Copy from Clipboard, browse on the Web or simply Drag and Drop.
    • Create Album and start uploading images.
    • Once photos uploaded we can update the title and descriptions in the sidebar.

    Submit to Imgur and Reddit

    As soon as the images are uploaded and the title and descriptions are added you can post them by tapping on “share to community”. 

    Now you can get the sharing link of the post, under the “Sharing this Album” tab on the sidebar.

    Now you can use this link to promote the post on useful subreddits. 

    This way you are sharing your content to two massive platforms, Imgur and Reddit.