New Google Search Console Url Inspection API Integration Process Though Screaming Frog

New Google Search Console Url Inspection API Integration Process Though Screaming Frog


    Google’s new URL Inspection API allows software tools like Screaming Frog to gain access to Google Search Console and import data into the tool.

    API stands for Application Programming Interface. It’s like a bridge between two software programs that allows both of them to connect to share data and achieve a certain level of integration between the two programs.

    URL inspection API

    Usage Limits:

    2K URLs per property a day

    Here’s the integration procedure we have done for your campaign:

    #Step 1

    To connect, go to ‘Configuration > API Access > Google Search Console’, connect to your account, choose your property.

    After that proceed to click ‘Connect to New Account’ as shown here:

    And then select the desired Google account to receive the verification code. A message will appear in the browser like this:

    And you will need to select the desired property from the dropdown:

    Next, tick the ‘Enable URL Inspection’ checkbox as stated below:

    After integrating the Search Console API with Screaming Frog crawl the website:

    #Here’s to the goal of new API filters:

    URL Is Not on Google – The URL is not indexed by Google and won’t appear in the search results. This filter can include non-indexable URLs (such as those that are ‘noindex’) as well as Indexable URLs that are able to be indexed. It’s a catch-all filter for anything not on Google according to the API.

    Indexable URL Not Indexed – Indexable URLs found in the crawl that are not indexed by Google and won’t appear in the search results. This can include URLs that unknown to Google, those that were discovered but not indexed, and more.

    URL is on Google, But Has Issues – The URL is indexed and can appear in Google Search results, but there are some problems with mobile usability, AMP or Rich results that might mean it doesn’t appear in an optimal way.

    User-Declared Canonical Not Selected – Google has chosen to index a different URL to the one declared by the user in the HTML. Canonicals are hints, and sometimes Google does a great job of this, other times it’s less than ideal.

    Page Is Not Mobile Friendly – The page has issues on mobile devices.

    AMP URL Is Invalid – The AMP has an error that prevents it from being indexed.

    Rich Result Invalid – The URL has an error with one or more rich result enhancements that will prevent the rich result from showing in the Google search results.

    Based on the above-mentioned filters here are the overall API data we get after full crawling:

    #Action plan moving forward with this GSC API data:

    • You need to run the inspection through GSC. It is to fetch the Indexable URLs in Google for Indexable URL Not Indexed (122 URLs)
    • You need to optimize the URLs from the list. And make it available to indexed in Google in terms of URL Is Not on Google (169 URLs)

    Need for Integration Through Screaming Frog

    Integrating tools and APIs into existing workflows is critical to simplifying processes, increasing efficiency, and overcoming digital marketing challenges, especially in SEO. Let’s look at the need to integrate the Google Search Console URL Validation API with the popular SEO tool Screaming Frog and the benefits it brings:

    Manual URL Validation Challenges:

    Manually validating URLs for SEO problems is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. This includes navigating between different tools and platforms, copying and pasting URLs, and manually analyzing data. This process becomes increasingly cumbersome as websites grow in size and complexity. In addition, manual inspection can lead to human error, inconsistency in analysis, and delays in identifying and resolving problems.

    Benefits of integrating the Google Search Console URL Validation API with Screaming Frog:

    Automated Data Retrieval

    By integrating the Google Search Console URL Validation API with Screaming Frog, users can automate URL validation by receiving critical information directly from the Google Search Console. This includes information about indexing status, indexing errors, and mobile accessibility issues. Automation reduces manual work and ensures that users have access to up-to-date information without manual intervention.

    In-depth analysis 

    Combining Google Search Console data with Screaming Frog’s powerful indexing capabilities enables deeper SEO analysis. Users can identify a wider range of issues, such as pages with indexing issues, indexing errors, or mobile usability issues, and prioritize them based on how they affect search performance. This holistic approach enables more effective optimization strategies and better decisions.

    Real-time insight 

    Integration with the Google Search Console API provides real-time insights into how Googlebot is interacting with your website. Users can quickly identify emerging issues, monitor index status changes, and monitor the impact of optimization actions over time. Real-time insights allow you to proactively manage SEO issues and help maintain healthy website visibility in search results.

    Customization and flexibility

    API integration with Screaming Frog provides customization options that allow users to tailor the analytics workflow to their needs. They can choose what data and data points to pull from the Google Search Console, customize reports, and automate tasks under predefined conditions. This flexibility allows users to create a workflow that matches their SEO goals and preferences.

    Simplify your SEO analysis workflow

    Google Search Console URL Inspection API integration with Screaming Frog simplifies your SEO analysis workflow by aggregating data, automating repetitive tasks, and providing actionable insights in one platform. This integration eliminates the need to switch between multiple tools and platforms, saving time and improving productivity. In addition, it facilitates collaboration between team members by providing a unified environment for SEO analysis and optimization.

    Overall, integrating the Google Search Console URL Validation API with Screaming Frog solves the challenges of manual URL validation and offers many benefits to simplify SEO analysis workflows. By automating data, providing deep insight, and enabling personalization, this integration improves the efficiency, accuracy, and effectiveness of your SEO efforts.

    Prerequisite for Integration with Screaming Frog

    Before integrating the Google Search Console URL Inspection API with Screaming Frog, there are several conditions you must meet. These include meeting the requirements for using the Google Search Console API, setting up a project on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and creating API credentials.

    Requirements to use the Google Search Console API:

    Google Account 

    Users must have a Google Account to use the Google Search Console API. This account is used for API authentication and authorization.

    Website Verification

    A website to be analyzed using the Google Search Console API must be verified in Google Search Console. Verification confirms ownership of the website and gives access to data and statistics related to its performance in Google search results.

    Search Console

    In Google Search Console, you need to create a search console feature for your website. This feature acts as a container for data related to a website’s performance in Google search.

    Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project Setting

    Create a project: To use the Google Search Console API, you must create a project on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The project serves as a central workspace for managing API access rights, credentials, and usage.

    Enable API

    The Google Search Console API must be enabled in the GCP project. This allows the project to use API functions and interact with Google Search Console data.

    Set up credentials

    Credentials must be created in the GCP project to authenticate Google Search Console API requests. This requires creating API keys and OAuth 2.0 credentials, which are used to identify the application using the API and authorize its operations.

    Creating API Credentials (API Key and OAuth 2.0 Tokens)

    API key

    The API key is a unique identifier that allows applications to authenticate themselves when accessing the Google Search Console API. API keys are typically used for server-to-server communication and do not require user authentication.

    OAuth 2.0 Credentials

    OAuth 2.0 credentials are used to authenticate and authorize users. These consist of a client ID and client secret, which are used to obtain credentials that authorize the application to access the user’s Google Search Console data.

    By fulfilling these prerequisites, users can access the Google Search Console API and obtain the necessary credentials to integrate it with SEO analysis and optimizations such as Screaming Frog. 

    Final Words

    As technology advances and user needs change, it is very important to anticipate future developments and considerations for integrating the Google Search Console API with tools such as Screaming Frog. Here are some possible improvements and updates, as well as monitoring API policy and exploring additional integration options to consider:

    Possible integration improvements and updates:

    Improved data analysis

    Future development may focus on improving data analytical skills. in Screaming Frog using the additional functions of the Google Search Console API. This can include deeper insights into search performance metrics, advanced data visualizations and integration with machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics.

    Automation and Workflow Optimization

    Screaming Frog’s SEO analytics workflows can be further automated by adding advanced scripts and customization options. This can simplify repetitive tasks, improve efficiency, and allow users to focus on strategic decisions instead of manual data processing.

    Integration with other tools and platforms

    Future updates may include the integration of Screaming Frog with other SEO tools and platforms to provide a more holistic approach to website optimization. This can include seamless exchange of data between different tools, centralized reporting dashboards, and collaboration capabilities for cross-functional teams.